- coral shoal
коралловая отмель
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
coral — Puna, ko a, ko ako a. Also: āko ako a, hāko ako a. Kinds: āko ako a kohe, ēkaha kū moana, kanahe, ko a kea, kuanaka, limu, pa akea, pā eke, puna kea. ♦ Coral head, pūko a, ko a, māko a, āko ako a. ♦ Coral plant, lōkālia. ♦ Coral… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
shoal — shoal1 [shōl] n. [via dial. < OE scolu, multitude, school of fish, akin to Du school < IE * skēl < base * (s)kel , to cut > SHIELD] 1. a large group; mass; crowd 2. a large school of fish vi. to come together in or move about as a… … English World dictionary
Coral reef — Marine habitats Biodiversity of a coral reef Lit … Wikipedia
Shoal — Bar (landform) redirects here. For other uses, see Bar (disambiguation)#Landforms. Sandbank redirects here. For other uses, see Sandbank (disambiguation). For other uses, see Shoal (disambiguation). Sandbar between St. Agnes and Gugh on the Isles … Wikipedia
coral reef — a reef composed mainly of coral and other organic matter of which parts have solidified into limestone. [1735 45] * * * Ridge or hummock formed in shallow ocean areas from the external skeletons of corals. The skeleton consists of calcium… … Universalium
coral reef — Synonyms and related words: ait, archipelago, atoll, bank, bar, bill, breakwater, cape, cay, chersonese, continental island, coral head, coral island, delta, flat, ford, foreland, head, headland, holm, hook, insularity, island, island group,… … Moby Thesaurus
shoal — Synonyms and related words: a mass of, a world of, ankle deep, army, bank, bar, barrier, bevy, bunch, cloud, clutter, colony, coral heads, coral reef, covey, cursory, depthless, drift, drive, drove, epidermal, flat, flight, flock, flocks, ford,… … Moby Thesaurus
shoal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. school, multitude, host, horde; shallow, sandbar. See assemblage, lowness. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. reef, sandbank, sand bar, shallow, shallow water, underwater knoll, bank, bar, mudflat; see also reef … English dictionary for students
Neva Shoal — A bathymetric chart of the Neva shoal … Wikipedia
Rebecca Shoal Light — Infobox Lighthouse caption = The Rebecca Shoal Lighthouse after it was automated, with the lower landing decks removed. location = east of Garden Key, Dry Tortugas coordinates = coord|24|34|42|N|82|35|06|W|region:US type:landmark yearlit = 1886… … Wikipedia
Alice Shoal — Alice Shoal, in Spanish Banco Alicia or Bajo Alicia , is a wholly submerged reef, located 31 km northeast of East Cay of Serranilla Bank, and 48 km WNW of Bajo Nuevo Bank, at coord|16|05|N|79|22|W|. The bank is about 16 km in diameter as defined… … Wikipedia