conveyer passage

conveyer passage
конвейерный ходок

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "conveyer passage" в других словарях:

  • transportation — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Conveyance from one place to another Nouns 1. transportation, transport, transfer, transference, transmission, conveyance; movement, passage, transit, removal, delivery; carriage, portage, cartage, etc …   English dictionary for students

  • pipe — [n] passage, tube aqueduct, canal, channel, conduit, conveyer, duct, hose, line, main, pipeline, sewer, spout, trough, vent, vessel; concepts 475,499 pipe [v1] conduct through tube, passage bring in, carry, channel, convey, funnel, siphon, supply …   New thesaurus

  • Escalator — For the album by Sam Gopal, see Escalator (album). Escalators in a Copenhagen Metro station, Denmark, 2007 Escalator in action, 2011 An e …   Wikipedia

  • alienation — In the most general terms, this concept describes the estrangement of individuals from one another, or from a specific situation or process. It is central to the writings of Karl Marx and normally associated with Marxist sociology. There are… …   Dictionary of sociology

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