- convection cell
участок вертикального разреза гомотермичного слоя, ограниченный холодным нисходящим и теплым восходящим течениями
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Convection cell — Altocumulus cloud as seen from the space shuttle. Altocumulus is formed through convective activity. See also: Convection A convection cell is a phenomenon of fluid dynamics that occurs in situations where there are density differences within a… … Wikipedia
convection cell — Physics. a distinct volume of circulating fluid, in a fluid medium under gravity, that is heated from below and cooled from above: usually found in large groupings. * * * … Universalium
convection cell — noun A loop of moving fluid (such as air or water) in which the motion results from differences in density caused by differences in temperature … Wiktionary
convection cell — Physics. a distinct volume of circulating fluid, in a fluid medium under gravity, that is heated from below and cooled from above: usually found in large groupings … Useful english dictionary
Convection — This figure shows a calculation for thermal convection in the Earth s mantle. Colors closer to red are hot areas and colors closer to blue are cold areas. A hot, less dense lower boundary layer sends plumes of hot material upwards, and likewise,… … Wikipedia
Natural convection — Bénard cells. Natural convection is a mechanism, or type of heat transport, in which the fluid motion is not generated by any external source (like a pump, fan, suction device, etc.) but only by density differences in the fluid occurring due to… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric convection — Conditions favorable for thunderstorm types and complexes Atmospheric convection is the result of a parcel environment instability, or temperature difference, layer in the atmosphere. Different lapse rates within dry and moist air lead to… … Wikipedia
Rayleigh–Bénard convection — Bénard cells. Rayleigh–Bénard convection is a type of natural convection, occurring in a plane of fluid heated from below, in which the fluid develops a regular pattern of convection cells known as Bénard cells. Rayleigh–Bénard convection is one… … Wikipedia
Elasticity of cell membranes — A cell membrane defines a boundary between the living cell and its environment. It consists of lipids, proteins,carbohydrates etc. Lipids and proteins are dominant components of membranes. One of the principal types of lipids in membranes is… … Wikipedia
Hadley cell — Circulation atmosphérique Vue idéalisée des trois cellules ou zones de circulation atmosphérique La circulation atmosphérique est le mouvement à l échelle planétaire de la couche d air entourant la Terre qui redistribue la chaleur provenant du… … Wikipédia en Français
Hadley cell — The Hadley cell is a circulation pattern that dominates the tropical atmosphere, with rising motion near the equator, poleward flow 10 15 kilometers above the surface, descending motion in the subtropics, and equatorward flow near the surface.… … Wikipedia