
erosion control борьба с эрозией
flood control регулирование стока, регулирование паводка
formational control литологический контроль
glacial control ледниковый контроль
headwater control регулирование уровня воды в верхнем бьефе, регулирование напора воды
penetration control контроль за глубиной проходки
pressure control контроль за давлением
remote control дистанционное управление
rock control литологический контроль
roof control управление кровлей
shrinkage control контроль за усадкой; регулирование процесса усадки
stratigraphic control стратиграфический контроль (положение отложений в зависимости от стратиграфических характеристик)
structural control структурный контроль
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "control" в других словарях:

  • control — con·trol vt con·trolled, con·trol·ling 1: to exercise restraining or directing influence over esp. by law 2: to have power or authority over precedent control s the outcome in this case 3: to have controlling interest in control n …   Law dictionary

  • control — sustantivo masculino 1. Examen o comprobación de personas o cosas cuyo conocimiento interesa: Realicé un control de matemáticas. La directora lleva el control de los alumnos que faltan a clase. 2. Vigilancia: Ese preso está sometido a fuerte… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • CONTROL-M — is batch scheduling software produced by BMC Software, originally written for mainframes but also available for distributed computing platforms including Unix, Windows, Linux and OpenVMS environments. BMC Software claims that CONTROL M is the… …   Wikipedia

  • control — CONTRÓL, controale, s.n. 1. Analiză permanentă sau periodică a unei activităţi, a unei situaţii etc. pentru a urmări mersul ei şi pentru a lua măsuri de îmbunătăţire. ♢ Lucrare de control = lucrare scrisă prin care se verifică periodic… …   Dicționar Român

  • Control — puede referirse: a la tecla Control de los teclados informáticos; al control remoto o mando a distancia, es un dispositivo electrónico usado para realizar una operación remota (o telemando) sobre una máquina; a una muestra testigo; al capítulo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Control — Con*trol , n. [F. contr[^o]le a counter register, contr. fr. contr r[^o]le; contre (L. contra) + r[^o]le roll, catalogue. See {Counter} and {Roll}, and cf. {Counterroll}.] 1. A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • control — ► NOUN 1) the power to influence people s behaviour or the course of events. 2) the restriction of an activity or phenomenon. 3) a means of limiting or regulating something: exchange controls. 4) a device by which a machine is regulated. 5) the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Control — ist der Originaltitel eines Spielfilms von Tim Hunter aus dem Jahr 2004, siehe Control – Du sollst nicht töten der Titel eines Spielfilms von Giuliano Montaldo, siehe Control (1987) der Titel eines Spielfilms von Anton Corbijn, siehe Control… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • control — [kən trōl′] vt. controlled, controlling [ME countrollen < Anglo Fr contreroller < Fr contrerole < ML contrarotulus, a counter, register < L contra, against + rotulus: see ROLL] 1. Obs. to check or verify (payments, accounts, etc.) by… …   English World dictionary

  • control — (Del fr. contrôle). 1. m. Comprobación, inspección, fiscalización, intervención. 2. Dominio, mando, preponderancia. 3. Oficina, despacho, dependencia, etc., donde se controla. 4. puesto de control. 5. Regulación, manual o automática, sobre un… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Control — Con*trol , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Controlled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Controlling}.] [F. contr[^o]ler, fr. contr[^o]le.] [Formerly written {comptrol} and {controul}.] 1. To check by a counter register or duplicate account; to prove by counter statements; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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