rock porosity

rock porosity
пористость горной погоды

Тимашев И.Е. Геоэкологический русско-английский словарь-справочник: Справочное издание. – М.: ИД «Муравей-Гайд», 1999. Охрана окружающей среды. Терминология: Справочное пособие. – М.: Издательство стандартов, 1991. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "rock porosity" в других словарях:

  • Porosity — or void fraction is a measure of the void (i.e., empty ) spaces in a material, and is a fraction of the volume of voids over the total volume, between 0–1, or as a percentage between 0–100%. The term is used in multiple fields including… …   Wikipedia

  • porosity, primary —    Porosity of some lithological material that developed while the rock was forming.    See also interstice; pore; pore space; porosity; porosity, effective; porosity, secondary …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • porosity, secondary —    Porosity of some lithologic material that has developed after the rock was initially formed, such as joints and fractures, and may be capable of enlargement by dissolution processes.    See also pore; pore space; porosity, effective; porosity …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • porosity — [pō räs′ə tē, pəräs′ə tē] n. pl. porosities [ME porositee < ML porositas: see POROUS + ITY] 1. the quality or state of being porous 2. the ratio, usually expressed as a percentage, of the volume of a material s pores, as in rock, to its total… …   English World dictionary

  • rock — rock1 rockless, adj. rocklike, adj. /rok/, n. 1. a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like. 2. Geol. a. mineral matter of variable composition, consolidated or unconsolidated, assembled in masses or considerable… …   Universalium

  • Rock — /rok/, n. a male given name. * * * I In geology, a naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of minerals. The three major classes of rock igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are based on the processes that formed them. These three classes are… …   Universalium

  • porosity, effective —    1. The ratio, usually expressed as a percentage of the total volume of voids available for fluid transmission to the total volume of the porous medium [22].    2. The ratio of the volume of the voids of a soil or rock mass that can be drained… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • porosity —    1. The ratio of the aggregate volume of interstices in a rock or soil to its total volume; generally stated as a percentage [10].    2. The ratio, usually expressed as a percentage, of the total volume of voids of a given porous medium to the… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • porosity — porous ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a rock or other material) having minute spaces through which liquid or air may pass. DERIVATIVES porosity noun. ORIGIN from Latin porus pore …   English terms dictionary

  • porosity — /paw ros i tee, poh , peuh /, n., pl. porosities for 2. 1. the state or quality of being porous. 2. Geol., Engin. the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the volume of the pores or interstices of a substance, as a rock or rock stratum, to the… …   Universalium

  • porosity —   the degree to which a rock or soil is porous …   Geography glossary

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