Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles — The Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles was established in 1992 as the first environmental non governmental organisation registered in Seychelles. NPTS aims to restore and preserve viable ecosystems and takes a long term view of ecology. Much… … Wikipedia
Nature Protection and Tourism Club — Infobox Non profit Non profit name = Clubul pentru Protecţia Naturii şi Turism Braşov Non profit Non profit type = founded date = November 30, 1973 founder = location = Braşov, Romania origins = key people = area served = tourism, sports, ecology … Wikipedia
State Institute for Nature Protection - Croatia — The State Institute for Nature Protection is an institution centrally responsible for specialized nature protection activities in Croatia. It was set up by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Croatia dated 30 October 2002 and started… … Wikipedia
State Institute for Nature Protection (Croatia) — The State Institute for Nature Protection (Croatian: Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, DZZP) is an institution centrally responsible for specialized nature protection activities in Croatia. It was set up by the Decree of the Government of the… … Wikipedia
Ministry of Nature Protection — worked in Armenia since 1997 and still today, when the project First National Report, Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to CBD was implemented. In 1999, the combined work of 8 groups of specialists resulted in a First National Report on… … Wikipedia
Nature Conservation Foundation — Motto To carry out science based and socially responsible conservation Formation 1996 Headquarters Mysore, India … Wikipedia
Protection des oiseaux — L extinction de la Rousserolle obscure de Laysan fut causée par la destruction de son habitat La protection des oiseaux est un champ de la biologie de la conservation qui traite des espèces d oiseaux menacées. Des déclins des populations, voir d… … Wikipédia en Français
Protection of Natural Amenities Medal — The Protection of Natural Amenities Medal ( et. Looduskaitsemärk) was an Estonian award conferred to the trustees of Protection of Natural Amenities and other persons who are distinguished in the work of nature protection. Statutes of this award… … Wikipedia
PROTECTION DES ESPÈCES — L’expression d’une volonté de protection de la nature est relativement récente dans l’histoire des sociétés humaines. Si l’on adopte comme critère principal la mise en place d’aires protégées – réserves ou parcs naturels – on en relève les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
nature — [ natyr ] n. f. • 1119; lat. natura I ♦ 1 ♦ (Qualifié) La nature de... Ensemble des caractères, des propriétés qui définissent un être, une chose concrète ou abstraite, généralement considérés comme constituant un genre. ⇒ essence; entité. « on… … Encyclopédie Universelle
nature reserve — noun An area of land specially managed and protected to preserve its flora and fauna • • • Main Entry: ↑nature * * * noun, pl ⋯ serves [count] : an area where animals and plants are protected and that has few buildings or homes called also (US)… … Useful english dictionary