imhoff cone

imhoff cone
воронка имхофа

Тимашев И.Е. Геоэкологический русско-английский словарь-справочник: Справочное издание. – М.: ИД «Муравей-Гайд», 1999. Охрана окружающей среды. Терминология: Справочное пособие. – М.: Издательство стандартов, 1991. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "imhoff cone" в других словарях:

  • Imhoff tank — The Imhoff tank, named for German engineer Karl Imhoff (1876–1965), is a chamber suitable for the reception and processing of sewage. It may be used for the clarification of sewage by simple settling and sedimentation, along with anaerobic… …   Wikipedia

  • Settling — is the process by which particulates settle to the bottom of a liquid and form a sediment. Settling velocity or fall velocity or terminal velocity (ws) of a (sediment) particle is the at which the sediment settles in still fluid. It is diagnostic …   Wikipedia

  • Chocolate fountain — A chocolate fountain in a shop in Brussels, Belgium. A chocolate fountain is a device for serving chocolate fondue. Typical examples resemble a stepped cone, standing 2–4 feet tall with a crown at the top and stacked tiers over a basin at the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Phi Kappa Tau members — The following is a list of notable members of Phi Kappa Tau. National Presidents Chief Executives * Ralph K. Bowers, Mount Union 1917 1929 * Richard J. Young, Miami 1929 1961 * Jack L. Anson, Colgate 1961 1970 * William D. Jenkins, Bowling Green… …   Wikipedia

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