Hydrogeology — ( hydro meaning water, and geology meaning the study of the Earth) is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth s crust, (commonly in aquifers). The term geohydrology is… … Wikipedia
hydrogeology — [hī΄drō jē äl′ə jē] n. a branch of hydrology dealing with underground water and related surface water hydrogeological [hī΄drō jē΄ə läj′i kəl] adj. hydrogeologist [hī΄drō jēäl′əjist] n … English World dictionary
hydrogeology — noun Date: 1824 a branch of geology concerned with the occurrence, use, and functions of surface water and groundwater; also the phenomena dealt with in hydrogeology • hydrogeologist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
hydrogeology — hidrogeologija statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis požeminius vandenis. atitikmenys: angl. hydrogeology vok. Grundwassergeologie, f; Hydrogeologie, f rus. гидрогеология, f pranc. hydrogéologie, f … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
hydrogeology — hidrogeologija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis požeminius vandenis. atitikmenys: angl. hydrogeology rus. гидрогеология … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
hydrogeology — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at hydro + noun Etymology: French hydrogéologie, from hydr + géologie geology 1. : a branch of geology concerned with the occurrence and utilization of surface and ground water and with the functions of water in modifying the earth… … Useful english dictionary
hydrogeology engineer — hidrogeologijos inžinierius statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Inžinierius, kuris specializuojasi hidrogeologijos srityje. atitikmenys: angl. hydrogeology engineer pranc. ingénieur en hydrogéologie, m; ingénieur hydrogéologue, m … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
hydrogeology — hydrogeological /huy dreuh jee euh loj i keuhl/, hydrogeologic, adj. hydrogeologist, n. /huy droh jee ol euh jee/, n. the science dealing with the occurrence and distribution of underground water. Also called hydrology, geohydrology. [1815 25;… … Universalium
hydrogeology — noun The geology of groundwater, especially concerning the physical, biological and chemical properties of its occurrence and movement … Wiktionary
hydrogeology — The study of subsurface waters in their geological context [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
hydrogeology — study of ground water Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary