aerobic bacteria — aerobinės bakterijos statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Bakterijos, kurių gyvybinei veiklai būtinas laisvasis deguonis. atitikmenys: angl. aerobic bacteria vok. aerobe Bakterien, f rus. аэробные бактерии, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Aerobic Bacteria — Microorganisms that require free oxygen, or air, to live, and that which contribute to the decomposition of organic material in soil or composting systems … Energy terms
Aerobic organism — Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria can be identified by growing them in a liquid culture: 1: Obligate aerobic bacteria gather at the top of the test tube in order to absorb maximal amount of oxygen. 2: Obligate anaerobic bacteria gather at the bottom … Wikipedia
bacteria — bacterial, adj. bacterially, adv. /bak tear ee euh/,, sing. bacterium / tear ee euhm/. ubiquitous one celled organisms, spherical, spiral, or rod shaped and appearing singly or in chains, comprising the Schizomycota, a phylum of the kingdom … Universalium
Aerobic treatment system — An aerobic treatment system or ATS, often called (incorrectly) an aerobic septic system is a small scale sewage treatment system similar to a septic tank system, but which uses an aerobic process for digestion rather than just the anaerobic… … Wikipedia
bacteria — Synonyms and related words: Euglena, adenovirus, aerobe, aerobic bacteria, amoeba, anaerobe, anaerobic bacteria, animalcule, bacillus, bacterium, bug, coccus, colon bacillus, diatom, disease producing microorganism, dyad, echovirus, enterovirus,… … Moby Thesaurus
aerobic — adjective a) Living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen e.g. aerobic bacteria. b) Involving or improving oxygen consumption by the body e.g. aerobic exercise. Ant: anaerobic … Wiktionary
aerobic — aer|o|bic [ e roubık ] adjective 1. ) aerobic exercise is a very active type of exercise that makes your heart and lungs stronger 2. ) SCIENCE using oxygen: aerobic bacteria … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
aerobic — UK [eəˈrəʊbɪk] / US [eˈroʊbɪk] adjective 1) aerobic exercise is a very active type of exercise that makes your heart and lungs stronger 2) biology using oxygen aerobic bacteria … English dictionary
aerobic — Active in the presence of free oxygen, e.g. aerobic bacteria that can live in the presence of oxygen … Glossary of Biotechnology
Bacteria — Taxobox color = lightgrey name = Bacteria fossil range = Archean or earlier Recent image width = 210px image caption = Escherichia coli image is 8 micrometres wide. domain = Bacteria subdivision ranks = Phyla [cite web… … Wikipedia