Insecticide — Étymologiquement, les insecticides sont des substances actives ou des préparations ayant la propriété de tuer les insectes, leurs larves et/ou leurs œufs. Ils font partie de la famille des pesticides, eux mêmes inclus dans la famille des biocides … Wikipédia en Français
insecticide — insecticidal, adj. /in sek teuh suyd /, n. 1. a substance or preparation used for killing insects. 2. the act of killing insects. [1860 65; INSECT + I + CIDE] * * * Any of a large group of substances used to kill insects. Such substances are… … Universalium
Insecticide — For other uses, see Insecticide (disambiguation). An insecticide is a pesticide used against insects. They include ovicides and larvicides used against the eggs and larvae of insects respectively. Insecticides are used in agriculture, medicine,… … Wikipedia
insecticide — Synonyms and related words: aborticide, acaricide, anthelmintic, antibiotic, antiseptic, bug bomb, carbamate insecticide, chemosterilant, chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, contact poison, defoliant, disinfectant, eradicant, fratricide,… … Moby Thesaurus
Contact transocéanique précolombien — Contacts trans océaniques précolombiens Les contacts trans océaniques précolombiens désignent les rencontres entre les peuples indigènes d Amérique et les navigateurs d autres continents antérieures aux explorations de Christophe Colomb. Le seul… … Wikipédia en Français
insecticide — n bug spray, insect powder, poison, contact poison, fumigant, chemosterilant; pesticide, miti cide, acaricide, vermicide, anthelmintic; roach powder, roach paste, Inf. bug bomb, Inf. bugstrip … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Gaucho (insecticide) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir gaucho. Le Gaucho est la marque déposée d un insecticide systémique composé d un principe actif, l imidaclopride, et est produit par le groupe industriel Bayer CropScience (Bayer AG)[1] . Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Regent (insecticide) — Regent is a trademark for a broad spectrum systemic insecticide containing the active ingredient fipronil. Fipronil is an insecticide discovered and developed by Rhône Poulenc between 1985 87. It was placed on the market in 1993. Regent s rights… … Wikipedia
Cruiser (insecticide) — Thiamethoxam Thiamethoxam Général Nom IUPAC (E,Z) 3 (2 chloor thiazool 5 ylmethyl) 5 methyl [1,3,5]oxadiazinaan 4 ylideen N nitroamine … Wikipédia en Français
Plant defense against herbivory — Poison ivy produces urushiol to protect the plant from herbivores. In humans this chemical produces an allergic skin rash, known as urushiol induced contact dermatitis … Wikipedia
Pesticide toxicity to bees — Pesticides vary in their effect on bees. Contact insecticides, those which kill by touching the organism, affect the worker bee that is directly sprayed. Systemic insecticides, those that are incorporated by treated plants, can contaminate nectar … Wikipedia