- carry-over stock
- переходящие запасы ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
carry-over — ˈcarry ˌover noun [singular] 1. ACCOUNTING an amount of money earned in a particular year that is still available to be spent the following year: carry over from/to • The £20 million included a £7 million carry over from last year s budget. 2.… … Financial and business terms
carry-over — / kæri ˌəυvə/ noun 1. the stock of a commodity held at the beginning of a new financial year 2. the fact of not paying an account on settlement day, but later. Also called contango … Dictionary of banking and finance
carry — [kar′ē] vt. carried, carrying [ME carien < Anglo Fr carier < NormFr carre, CAR1] 1. to hold or support while moving [to carry a package] 2. to take from one place to another; transport, as in a vehicle [to carry the mail] 3. to hold … English World dictionary
carry — v. & n. v. ( ies, ied) 1 tr. support or hold up, esp. while moving. 2 tr. convey with one from one place to another. 3 tr. have on one s person (carry a watch). 4 tr. conduct or transmit (pipe carries water; wire carries electric current). 5 tr.… … Useful english dictionary
carry — [c]/ˈkæri / (say karee) verb (carried, carrying) –verb (t) 1. to convey from one place to another in a vehicle, ship, pocket, hand, etc. 2. to transmit or transfer in any manner; take or bring: the wind carries sounds; she carries her audience… …
carry — carriable, carryable, adj. /kar ee/, v., carried, carrying, n., pl. carries. v.t. 1. to take or support from one place to another; convey; transport: He carried her for a mile in his arms. This elevator cannot carry more than ten people. 2. to… … Universalium
carry — verb (carries, carrying, carried) 1》 move or transport from one place to another. ↘have on one s person wherever one goes. ↘conduct; transmit. ↘be infected with (a disease) and liable to transmit it to others. 2》 support the weight of … English new terms dictionary
carry — car•ry [[t]ˈkær i[/t]] v. ried, ry•ing, 1) to move while supporting or holding; take from one place to another; transport: to carry groceries home[/ex] 2) to wear, hold, or have around one: to carry a cane[/ex] 3) to contain or be capable of… … From formal English to slang
carry — Synonyms and related words: accept, accomplish, acquit, act, act up, adopt, affiliate, afford support, air express, airfreight, airlift, announce, approve, asportation, attend, back, back up, balance, balance the books, be gravid, be in, be… … Moby Thesaurus
Stock paintball — Stock Class is a set of commonly agreed upon but unofficial rules for paintball markers: * The marker must have a horizontal paintball feed, which means that the marker must be tilted (rocked) forward or backward to feed the next shot. * The… … Wikipedia
stock — [adj] commonplace banal, basic, common, conventional, customary, dull, established, formal, hackneyed, normal, ordinary, overused, regular, routine, run of the mill*, set, standard, staple, stereotyped, traditional, trite, typical, usual, worn… … New thesaurus