- bond yield
- процент (доход) по облигациям ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
bond yield — USA bond yield, Also referred to as yield. One of several numbers describing the annual interest rate paid by a bond: • coupon refers to the annual interest rate paid by a bond that is expressed as a percentage of its par value. This coupon rate… … Law dictionary
bond yield — ➔ yield1 * * * bond yield UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► money that is earned from a bond, for example from the interest paid: »The bond yield earlier in the week touched 6.40% … Financial and business terms
bond yield — Rendimento di una obbligazione Il bond yield è il tasso d interesse determinabile come rapporto tra il valore della cedola e il prezzo d acquisto dell obbligazione. Da evidenziare che il prezzo di acquisto della obbligazione non coincide con… … Glossario di economia e finanza
bond yield — See yield … Black's law dictionary
bond yield — See yield … Black's law dictionary
Bond yield — The rate of return on a bond calculated using the purchase price and the coupon rate … International financial encyclopaedia
bond yield — / bɒnd ji:ld/ noun income produced by a bond, shown as a percentage of its purchase price … Dictionary of banking and finance
yield — 1 / yēld/ vt: to produce as return from an expenditure or investment: furnish as profit or interest an account that yield s 6 percent vi 1: to give place or precedence (as to one having a superior right or claim) 2: to relinquish the floor of a… … Law dictionary
Yield Gap — or Yield Ratio is the ratio of the dividend yield of an equity and the yield of a long term government bond. Typically equities have a higher yield (as a percentage of the market price of the equity thus reflecting the higher risk of holding an… … Wikipedia
Bond equivalent yield — Bond yield calculated on an annual percentage rate method. Differs from annual effective yield. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * A calculation that converts the yield of a money market instrument, such as a Treasury bill, into the… … Financial and business terms
yield gap — ˈyield gap noun [countable] FINANCE the difference between the amounts of interest on two types of bonds: • The yield gap between the three month bill and the 30 year bond widened to 213 basis points from 212. * * * Also known as yield ratio.… … Financial and business terms