- Universal Product code(s)
- Универсальный код товаров (США) ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Universal Product Code — ➔ code * * * Universal Product Code UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION UPC) PRODUCTION ► a small rectangular pattern of thick and thin black lines printed on a product, or on its container, so that the details of the product can be read by and recorded … Financial and business terms
Universal Product Code — Code universel des produits Pour les articles homonymes, voir CUP et UPC. Exemple de CUP dans le système UPC A. Le code universel des produit … Wikipédia en Français
Universal Product Code — n AmE UPC a ↑bar code … Dictionary of contemporary English
Universal Product Code — n. a patterned series of vertical bars of varying widths printed on packages of many consumer products: it can be read by a computerized scanner for inventory control, pricing, etc.: cf. BAR CODE … English World dictionary
Universal Product Code — The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a barcode symbology (i.e., a specific type of barcode), that is widely used in the United States and Canada for tracking trade items in stores. Current code The UPC encodes 12 decimal digits as SLLLLLLMRRRRRRE … Wikipedia
Universal Product Code — В штрих коде UPC A каждая цифра представляется семибитной последовательностью, закодированной серией чередующихся штрихов и пробелов. Защитные штрихи (для наглядности выделенные зелёным) разделяют две группы по шесть цифр … Википедия
Universal Product Code — UPC 12 (GTIN 12) Nummer als UPC A Barcode symbol einkodiert. Der Strichcode Universal Product Code, kurz UPC, wurde 1973 in den USA eingeführt. Durch ihn erhalten Produkte einen Nummerncode, den Barcodescanner berührungslos auslesen. Drei Jahre… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Universal Product Code — noun code consisting of a series of vertical bars of variable width that are scanned by a laser; printed on consumer product packages to identify the item for a computer that provides the price and registers inventory information • Syn: ↑bar code … Useful english dictionary
Universal Product Code — bar code printed on product packages that can be scanned electronically (contains product name and price information), UPC … English contemporary dictionary
Universal Product Code — a bar code that indicates price, product classification, etc., and can be read electronically, as at checkout counters in supermarkets. Abbr.: UPC Cf. bar code. [1970 75] * * * … Universalium
Universal Product Code — noun Date: 1974 a combination of a bar code and numbers by which a scanner can identify a product and usually assign a price … New Collegiate Dictionary