under- bond

under- bond
хранящийся на таможенном складе до уплаты пошлины или налога ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "under- bond" в других словарях:

  • under bond — (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Responsible; said of persons ] Syn. certified, cleared, accepted; see bonded 1 , responsible 1 . 2. [Insured; said of goods ] Syn. certified, warranted, bonded; see guaranteed , protected …   English dictionary for students

  • bond — bond1 [bänd] n. [ME bond, band: see BAND1] 1. anything that binds, fastens, or restrains 2. [pl.] a) fetters; shackles b) Archaic imprisonment; captivity 3 …   English World dictionary

  • bond — bond1 bondable, adj. bondability, n. bonder, n. bondless, adj. /bond/, n. 1. something that binds, fastens, confines, or holds together. 2. a cord, rope, band, or ligament …   Universalium

  • bond — /bɒnd / (say bond) noun 1. something that binds, fastens, confines, or holds together. 2. a cord; rope; band; ligament. 3. something that unites individual people into a group. 4. something that constrains a person to a certain line of behaviour …  

  • bond — I [[t]bɒnd[/t]] n. 1) something that binds, fastens, confines, or holds together 2) a cord, rope, band, or ligament 3) something that binds a person or persons to a certain circumstance or line of behavior: the bond of matrimony[/ex] 4) something …   From formal English to slang

  • bond — /bɒnd/ noun 1. a contract document promising to repay money borrowed by a company or by the government at a certain date, and paying interest at regular intervals 2. ♦ goods (held) in bond goods held by customs until duty has been paid ♦ entry of …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Bond debt — Debt Debt, n. [OE. dette, F. dette, LL. debita, fr. L. debitus owed, p. p. of debere to owe, prop., to have on loan; de + habere to have. See {Habit}, and cf. {Debit}, {Due}.] 1. That which is due from one person to another, whether money, goods …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bond insurance — (also known as financial guaranty insurance ) is a type of insurance whereby an insurance company guarantees scheduled payments of interest and principal on a bond or other security in the event of a payment default by the issuer of the bond or… …   Wikipedia

  • Bond — (b[o^]nd), n. [The same word as band. Cf. {Band}, {Bend}.] 1. That which binds, ties, fastens, or confines, or by which anything is fastened or bound, as a cord, chain, etc.; a band; a ligament; a shackle or a manacle. [1913 Webster] Gnawing with …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bond creditor — Bond Bond (b[o^]nd), n. [The same word as band. Cf. {Band}, {Bend}.] 1. That which binds, ties, fastens, or confines, or by which anything is fastened or bound, as a cord, chain, etc.; a band; a ligament; a shackle or a manacle. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bond debt — Bond Bond (b[o^]nd), n. [The same word as band. Cf. {Band}, {Bend}.] 1. That which binds, ties, fastens, or confines, or by which anything is fastened or bound, as a cord, chain, etc.; a band; a ligament; a shackle or a manacle. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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