un-remunerative job

un-remunerative job
плохо оплачиваемая работа ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "un-remunerative job" в других словарях:

  • remunerative — /rɪ mju:nərətɪv/ adjective referring to a job which pays well ● She is in a highly remunerative job …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • job — 1 vb jobbed, job·bing vi 1: to do odd or occasional pieces of work for hire 2: to carry on the business of a middleman or wholesaler vt 1: to buy and sell (as stock) for profit 2: to hire or let by the j …   Law dictionary

  • remunerative — adjective 1. for which money is paid (Freq. 1) a paying job remunerative work salaried employment stipendiary services • Syn: ↑compensable, ↑paying, ↑sala …   Useful english dictionary

  • job — I. noun Etymology: perhaps from obsolete English job lump Date: circa 1627 1. a. a piece of work; especially a small miscellaneous piece of work undertaken on order at a stated rate b. the object or material on which work is being done c.… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • remunerative — re|mu|ner|a|tive [ rı mjunərətıv, rı mjunə,reıtıv ] adjective FORMAL providing payment or other rewards for work that has been done: The job was enjoyable but scarcely remunerative …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • remunerative — UK [rɪˈmjuːnərətɪv] / US [rɪˈmjunərətɪv] / US [rɪˈmjunəˌreɪtɪv] adjective formal providing payment or other rewards for work that has been done The job was enjoyable but scarcely remunerative …   English dictionary

  • day job — n. [from the usual hours of such a job] a regular, full time job, esp. as distinct from some other pursuit that is less remunerative and more uncertain …   English World dictionary

  • Second Bill of Rights — The Second Bill of Rights was a proposal made by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his State of the Union Address on January 11, 1944 to suggest that the nation had come to recognize, and should now implement, a second bill of… …   Wikipedia

  • bring home the bacon — verb To have a remunerative job; to have a career which satisfies ones financial needs. Its just that I think Im going to lose my job at the studio and am damned scared of not being able to bring home the bacon. Syn: make a living See Also: bring …   Wiktionary

  • Luisa Gándara — is the current First Lady of Puerto Rico.Following the tradition of previous Puerto Rico First Ladies, the wife of Gov. Aníbal Acevedo Vilá has refrained from holding a remunerative job while a resident of La Fortaleza, Puerto Rico s executive… …   Wikipedia

  • promote — verb a) To raise (someone) to a more important, responsible, or remunerative job or rank. He promoted his clerk to office manager. b) To …   Wiktionary

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