un-productive capital

un-productive capital
не приносящий дохода капитал ; мертвый капитал ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "un-productive capital" в других словарях:

  • productive capital — /prəˌdʌktɪv kæpɪt(ə)l/ noun capital which is invested to give interest …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • productive capital — /prəˌdʌktɪv kæpɪt(ə)l/ noun capital which is invested to give interest …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Capital, Volume II — Capital , Volume 2, subtitled The Process of Circulation of Capital was prepared by Friedrich Engels from notes left by Karl Marx and published in 1893. It is divided into three parts [cite book|title=Capital Vol2.|isbn=0 7178 0483… …   Wikipedia

  • Productive forces — Productive forces, productive powers or forces of production [in German, Produktivkräfte ] is a central concept in Marxism and historical materialism. In Karl Marx and Frederick Engels s own critique of political economy, it refers to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Productive and unproductive labour — were concepts used in classical political economy mainly in the 18th and 19th century, which survive today to some extent in modern management discussions, economic sociology and Marxist or Marxian economic analysis. The concepts strongly… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital, Volume I — is the first of three volumes in Karl Marx s monumental work, Das Kapital, and the only volume to be published during his lifetime. Originally published in 1867, Marx s aim in Capital, Volume I is to uncover and explain the laws specific to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital Naturel — Le capital naturel fait référence aux ressources telles que minéraux, plantes, animaux, air, pétrole de la biosphère terrestre, vus comme un moyen de production d oxygène, de filtration de l eau, de prévention de l érosion, ou comme fournisseur d …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Capital lending — is the process of a large company, or corporation, offering financing on large ticket items to encourage the customer to purchase that item. Many major corporations have set up finance divisions, or subsidiaries, to help the customer purchase… …   Wikipedia

  • capital — capital, ale (ka pi tal, ta l ) adj. 1°   Où il s agit de la tête ou de la vie ; qui mérite le dernier supplice. Procès capital. Intenter une accusation capitale. Condamner quelqu un à la peine capitale. •   Et Cinna vous impute à crime capital… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Capital [2] — Capital, 1) im gewöhnlichen Sinne eine Summe Geldes, welche zinstragend angelegt ist; 2) im weiteren nationalökonomischen Sinne jede Masse von Gütern, Geld, Waaren od. Betriebsmitteln (Maschinen, Lagerhäuser, Verkaufslocale etc.), welche letztere …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Capital Markets Authority — is a semi autonomous body responsible for regulating the capital markets industry in Uganda. It approves the offers of all securities to the public, licences market professionals like broker/dealers, investment advisors and fund managers. It also …   Wikipedia

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