- trading in actuals
- операции по торговле наличными товарами (в отличие от бир- ; жевой торговли товарами с отсрочкой поставки) ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
ГЛОССАРИЙ ТЕРМИНОВ ТОРГОВЛИ ФЬЮЧЕРСАМИ — FUTURES TRADING TERMS: GLOSSARYСловарь Корпорации торговли товарными фьючерсами содержит общепринятые термины, используемые в торговле фьючерсами. Основные термины, данные в указанном глоссарии, приводятся нижеАгрегирование (Aggregation). Принцип … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов
commodity trade — ▪ economics Introduction the international trade in primary goods. Such goods are raw or partly refined materials whose value mainly reflects the costs of finding, gathering, or harvesting them; they are traded for processing or… … Universalium
cash settlement — Instead of having the actuals delivered, cash is transferred upon settlement. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary The agreement of a buyer and seller to exchange the security and the payment on the same day as the trade. For money market… … Financial and business terms
maturity — The period during which a futures contract can be settled by delivery of the actuals; i.e., the period between the first notice day and the last trading day. Also, the due date for financial instruments. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary For a… … Financial and business terms
delivery — The transfer of the cash commodity from the seller of a futures contract to the buyer of a futures contract. Each futures exchange has specific procedures for delivery of a cash commodity. Some futures contracts, such as stock index contracts,… … Financial and business terms
ex-pit transaction — The closing out of a futures position off the exchange floor. Effected when two hedgers, one long and one short, make a private deal in the cash market, and no longer need their (equal and opposite) futures contracts to hedge. The hedgers contact … Financial and business terms
International Petroleum Exchange — IPE An exchange, founded in London in 1980, that deals in futures contracts and options (including traded options) in oil (gas oil, Brent crude oil, and heavy fuel oil) with facilities for making an exchange of futures for physicals (see actuals) … Big dictionary of business and management