apprentice training

apprentice training
профессиональное обучение ; ученичество ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "apprentice training" в других словарях:

  • apprentice — ap‧pren‧tice [əˈprents] noun [countable] JOBS a young person being trained to do a skilled job, who has signed a contract agreeing to work a fixed number of years for the employer who is training them: • the announcement that the company plans… …   Financial and business terms

  • apprentice — apprenticeship, n. /euh pren tis/, n., v., apprenticed, apprenticing. n. 1. a person who works for another in order to learn a trade: an apprentice to a plumber. 2. Hist. a person legally bound through indenture to a master craftsman in order to… …   Universalium

  • Apprentice — The first rung on the guild structure ladder. An apprentice served his master for numerous years, generally seven or more, to work of the debt of his training. Following a successful apprenticeship, the apprentice became a journeyman, eventually… …   Medieval glossary

  • Apprentice —    When someone joins a guild, they begin at this level. An Apprentice will work for his master for usually seven years, sometimes more. His work pays off the debt of his training. Next he will become a Journeyman, then a Master …   The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology

  • Soldier Apprentice — The Soldier Apprentice Training Program of the Canadian Army was a program designed to raise the educational level of various corps of the Canadian army after World War II and the Korean Conflict and to graduate highly trained soldiers for future …   Wikipedia

  • The Apprentice (UK series three) — Apprentice Candidates canpage = List of The Apprentice candidates (UK) seriesname = The Apprentice UK series = Series Three previous = The Apprentice (UK Series Two) next = The Apprentice (UK Series Four) imagebg = black caption = The Candidates… …   Wikipedia

  • Falconry training and technique — Training raptors (birds of prey) is a complex undertaking. Books containing hundreds of pages of information and advice by experienced falconers are still rudimentary at best.Many important details vary between individual raptors, species of… …   Wikipedia

  • No. 1 School of Technical Training — No.1 School of Technical Training (No. 1 S of TT) is the Royal Air Force s aircraft engineering school, based at RAF Halton from 1919 to 1993, as the Home of the Aircraft Apprentice scheme. The Aircraft Apprentice scheme trained young men in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Recruit training — U.S. Army recruits learn bayonet fighting skills Recruit training, more commonly known as Basic Training and colloquially called Boot Camp, is the initial indoctrination and instruction given to new military personnel, enlisted and officer.… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft Apprentice — The Aircraft Apprentice Scheme (1920 1993) was a training program for British ground crew personnel.FormationWorld War I saw the beginning of aerial combat. By 1 April 1918 the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) and the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) had… …   Wikipedia

  • The Apprentice (U.S. season 6) — Infobox Television The Apprentice season name = The Apprentice 6 first aired = January 7, 2007cite web | first= Steve | last= Rogers | coauthors= | title=NBC announces The Apprentice 6 won t premiere until January 2007 | date= 2006 05 15 |… …   Wikipedia

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