- supply agencies
- снабженческие организации ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Supply & Demand Chain Executive — Infobox Magazine title = Supply Demand Chain Executive editor = Andrew K. Reese frequency = 6 Issues per year circulation = 50,000 category = Technology Magazine company = Cygnus Business Media firstdate = August 2000 country = United States… … Wikipedia
Federal credit agencies — Agencies of the federal government set up to supply credit to various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g. S&Ls, small business firms, students, farmers, and exporters. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
federal credit agencies — agencies of the federal government set up to supply credit to various classes or institutions and individuals, e.g., S&Ls, small business firms, students, farmers, and exporters. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Water supply — is the process of self provision or provision by third parties of water of various qualities to different users. Irrigation is covered separately. Global access to waterIn 2004 about 3.5 billion people worldwide (54% of the global population) had … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Bangladesh — Even though the water supply and sanitation sector in Bangladesh is expanding its coverage, it is difficult to keep pace with the rapid population growth. The country used to rely mainly on groundwater, which is why the discovery of arsenic in… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Spain — is characterized by universal access and generally good service quality, while tariffs are among the lowest in the EU. [ [http://www.iwahq.org/uploads/sgs/sg%20on%20statistic%20and%20ec/doc%20and%20reports/IWA%20international%20statistics%200806.p… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Ghana — The water supply and sanitation sector in Ghana faces severe problems, partly due to a neglect of the sector until the 1990s. Tariffs were kept at a low level which was far from reflecting the real cost of the service. Economic efficiency still… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in the United States — is provided by towns and cities, public utilities that span several jurisdictions and rural cooperatives. About 15 million Americans are served by their own wells. Public water supply and sanitation systems are regulated by state level regulatory … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Israel — is intricately linked to the historical development of Israel in the context of scarce water resources. Because the coastal plain of historical Palestine had few water resources, Theodor Herzl already envisioned the transfer of water from the… … Wikipedia
Independent agencies of the United States government — are those that exist outside of the departments of the executive branch. Established through separate statutes passed by the U.S. Congress, each respective statutory grant of authority defines the goals the agency must work towards, as well as… … Wikipedia
New Zealand intelligence agencies — New Zealand s intelligence agencies and units have existed, with some interruption, since World War II. At present, New Zealand s intelligence community has approximately 500 employees, and has a combined budget of around NZ$80 million. Contents… … Wikipedia