stock of orders

stock of orders
портфель заказов ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "stock of orders" в других словарях:

  • Stock clearance — is an activity by a company where ownership of products and materials move on to another legal entity. These products and materials in stock clearance will not form the basis of a companies’ key activities. As such they are often end of line… …   Wikipedia

  • Orders, decorations, and medals of Croatia — The system of honours of the Republic of Croatia was established after the independence of Croatia in 1991. There are eighteen main decorations awarded by the highest authorities of the Republic since 1995, in addition to several other medals.… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock paintball — Stock Class is a set of commonly agreed upon but unofficial rules for paintball markers: * The marker must have a horizontal paintball feed, which means that the marker must be tilted (rocked) forward or backward to feed the next shot. * The… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock management — is the function of understanding the stock mix of a company and the different demands on that stock. The demands are influenced by both external and internal factors and are balanced by the creation of Purchase order requests to keep supplies at… …   Wikipedia

  • stock|room — «STOK ROOM, RUM», noun, or stock room, 1. a room where stock is kept, especially one which reserve stock is kept. 2. a room, especially in a hotel, where salesmen can show their samples and receive orders from retailers and wholesalers …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stock Exchange Electronic Trading Service — ( SETS) An automated trading system that was introduced in 1997 in the London Stock Exchange. It matches the orders of buyers and sellers automatically, thus cutting out the need for a market maker. Financial Services Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • Stock Exchange of Thailand — The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is the national stock exchange of Thailand. It is located in Bangkok. The indices of the stock exchange are SET Index, SET50 Index and SET100 Index.HistoryThe modern Thai Capital Market traces its origins back …   Wikipedia

  • Stock market — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond …   Wikipedia

  • Stock exchange — A stock exchange, share market or bourse is a corporation or mutual organization which provides trading facilities for stock brokers and traders, to trade stocks and other securities. Stock exchanges also provide facilities for the issue and… …   Wikipedia

  • stock exchange — 1. a building or place where stocks and other securities are bought and sold. 2. an association of brokers and dealers in stocks and bonds who meet together and transact business according to fixed rules. [1765 75] * * * or stock market or(in… …   Universalium

  • Orders of magnitude (data) — Computer memory types can be ordered into a magnitude hierarchy: memory at the top is fastest to access but holds little data, while each lower type holds more, but is slower to access An order of magnitude is generally a factor of ten. A… …   Wikipedia

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