stock exchange

stock exchange
фондовая биржа ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "stock exchange" в других словарях:

  • Stock Exchange — ist die englische Bezeichnung für Aktienbörse, aber auch Bestandteil von Eigennamen solcher Einrichtungen: American Stock Exchange in New York, USA Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai, Indien Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange in Dar es Salaam, Tansania… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stock exchange — n 1: a place where security trading is conducted on an organized system 2: an association or group of people organized to provide an auction market among themselves for the purchase and sale of securities Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… …   Law dictionary

  • Stock exchange — Stock Stock (st[o^]k), n. [AS. stocc a stock, trunk, stick; akin to D. stok, G. stock, OHG. stoc, Icel. stokkr, Sw. stock, Dan. stok, and AS. stycce a piece; cf. Skr. tuj to urge, thrust. Cf. {Stokker}, {Stucco}, and {Tuck} a rapier.] 1. The stem …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stock-exchange — ● stock exchange, stock exchanges nom masculin (mot anglais, de stock, capital, et exchange, échange) Bourse des valeurs, à Londres et dans d autres villes anglo saxonnes. stock exchange [stɔkɛksʃɑ̃ʒ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1923; une première fois en 1802;… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • stock exchange — ♦♦♦ stock exchanges N COUNT: usu the N in sing A stock exchange is a place where people buy and sell stocks and shares. The stock exchange is also the trading activity that goes on there and the trading organization itself. The shortage of good… …   English dictionary

  • stock exchange — stock market A market in which security are bought and sold, prices being controlled by supply and demand. Stock markets have developed hand in hand with capitalism since the 17th century, constantly growing in importance and complexity. The… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Stock-Exchange — Stock Ex|change [ stɔkɪksˌtʃeɪndʒ], die; [engl. stock exchange, aus: stock = Wertpapier (3↑Stock) u. exchange, ↑Exchange]: engl. Bez. für Wertpapierbörse …   Universal-Lexikon

  • stock exchange — stock market A market for the sale and purchase of securities, in which the prices are controlled by the laws of supply and demand. The first stock exchange was in Amsterdam, where in 1602 shares in the United East India Company could be traded.… …   Accounting dictionary

  • Stock Exchange —   [ stɔk ɪks tʃeɪndʒ, englisch], ursprünglich Name der Londoner Börse, heute englische Bezeichnung für eine Wertpapierbörse (z. B. New York Stock Exchange) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Stock Exchange — Stock Ex|change [... ikstʃeindʒ] die; , Plur. n [...dʒn̩] u. s [...dʒiz] <aus engl. stock exchange, zu exchange »Börse«>: 1. (hist.) Name der Londoner Börse. 2. svw. ↑Effektenbörse …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • stock exchange — stock ex,change noun count * 1. ) a place where people buy and sell SHARES in companies 2. ) the stock exchange the STOCK MARKET …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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