spatial location

spatial location
территориальное размещение ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "spatial location" в других словарях:

  • Spatial analysis — In statistics, spatial analysis or spatial statistics includes any of the formal techniques which study entities using their topological, geometric, or geographic properties. The phrase properly refers to a variety of techniques, many still in… …   Wikipedia

  • Spatial navigation — In computing, spatial navigation is the ability to navigate between focusable elements, such as hyperlinks and form controls, within a structured document or user interface according to the spatial location.This method is widely used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Location intelligence — is the capacity to organize and understand complex phenomena through the use of geographic relationships inherent in all information. By combining geographic and location related data with other business data, organizations can gain critical… …   Wikipedia

  • Spatial ETL — tools provide the data processing functionality of traditional Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) software, but with a primary focus on the ability to manage spatial data (which may also be called geographic, map or location data). Extract and… …   Wikipedia

  • Spatial mismatch — is the sociological, economic and political phenomenon associated with economic restructuring in which employment opportunities for low income people are located far away from the areas where low income live. In the United States, this takes the… …   Wikipedia

  • Spatial justice — concerns working to achieve an equal geographical distribution of society s wants and needs, such as job opportunities, access to health care, good air quality, et cetera. This is of particular concern in regions where the population has… …   Wikipedia

  • Location theory — is concerned with the geographic location of economic activity; it has become an integral part of economic geography, regional science, and spatial economics. Location theory addresses the questions of what economic activities are located where… …   Wikipedia

  • Spatial inequality — of the unequal distribution in income or services depending on the area or location. The services such as medical or welfare will have even more skills and more range of services. The space within the different locations is the clustering of… …   Wikipedia

  • Location model — A location (spatial) model refers to any monopolistic competition model in economics that demonstrates consumer preference for particular brands of goods and their locations. Examples of location models include Hotelling’s Location Model, Salop’s …   Wikipedia

  • Spatial file manager — In computing, a spatial file manager is a file manager that uses a spatial metaphor to represent files and folders as if they are real physical objects.ConceptsThe base requirements of a spatial file manager are:# Each folder is represented by a… …   Wikipedia

  • Spatial database — A spatial database is a database that is optimized to store and query data related to objects in space, including points, lines and polygons. While typical databases can understand various numeric and character types of data, additional… …   Wikipedia

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