- soft terms
- льготные условия ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Soft energy technology — Soft energy technologies may be seen as appropriate renewable technologies. [ [http://www.rmi.org/sitepages/pid292.php The soft energy path] ] Soft energy technologies are not simply renewable energy technologies, as there are many renewable… … Wikipedia
Soft computing — refers to a collection of computational techniques in computer science, machine learning and some engineering disciplines, which study, model, and analyze very complex phenomena: those for which more conventional methods have not yielded low cost … Wikipedia
soft — [sôft, säft] adj. [ME < OE softe, gentle, quiet < sefte, akin to Ger sanft < IE base * sem , together, together with > SMOOTH, SAME: basic sense “fitting, friendly, suited to”] 1. giving way easily under pressure, as a feather pillow… … English World dictionary
soft loan — Loans which carry relatively low rates of interest and an undemanding programme for repayment of the principal amount. Sometimes the relative softness of the terms is linked to the recipient complying with objectives attached to the loan Easyform … Law dictionary
soft loan — noun 1. One without conditions attached 2. A cheap or interest free loan, usu to a developing country • • • Main Entry: ↑soft * * * soft loan UK US noun [countable] [singular soft … Useful english dictionary
soft FM — soft facilities management (soft FM). Services, other than hard FM, which support the operation of the facility (for example, catering, cleaning, laundry, parking). Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms.… … Law dictionary
soft facilities management — (soft FM). Services, other than hard FM, which support the operation of the facility (for example, catering, cleaning, laundry, parking). Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010 … Law dictionary
Soft independent modelling of class analogies — Soft independent modelling by class analogy (SIMCA) is a statistical method for supervised classification of data. The method requires a training data set consisting of samples (or objects) with a set of attributes and their class membership. The … Wikipedia
Soft On Demand — (SOD) is a Japanese adult video group of companies. Founded in December of 1995 by Ganari Takahashi, who retired in March 2005 and is currently into agriculture, [cite news |first=Ryann|last=Connell|title=Japan s king of porn gets his hands dirty … Wikipedia
Soft ontology — The term soft ontology , coined by Eli Hirsch in 1993, refers to the embracing or reconciling of apparent ontological differences, by means of relevant distinctions and contextual analyses. Hirsch used the term to broaden and expand on what… … Wikipedia
Soft energy path — In 1976 Amory Lovins coined the term soft path to describe an alternative future where efficiency and appropriate renewable energy sources steadily replace a centralized energy system based on fossil and nuclear fuels.… … Wikipedia