social ranking

social ranking
социальная иерархия ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "social ranking" в других словарях:

  • Social search — or a social search engine is a type of web search method that determines the relevance of search results by considering the interactions or contributions of users. When applied to web search this user based approach to relevance is in contrast to …   Wikipedia

  • Social position — is the position of an individual in a given society and culture. A given position (for example, the occupation of priest ) may belong to many individuals. Social position influences social status. One can have several social positions, but only… …   Wikipedia

  • Social Choice and Individual Values — Kenneth Arrow s monograph Social Choice and Individual Values (1951, 2nd ed., 1963) and a theorem within it created modern social choice theory, a rigorous melding of social ethics and voting theory with an economic flavor. Somewhat formally, the …   Wikipedia

  • Social class in Cambodia — Social strata in precommunist Cambodia may be viewed as constituting a spectrum, with an elite group or upper class at one end and a lower class consisting of rural peasants and unskilled urban workers at the other end. The elite group was… …   Wikipedia

  • Social order — is a concept used in sociology, history and other social sciences. It refers to a set of linked social structures, social institutions and social practices which conserve, maintain and enforce normal ways of relating and behaving. A social order… …   Wikipedia

  • ranking — ranking, ranking scales The technique of ranking is similar to that of rating , except that respondents are asked to compare a series of items, rather than place them on an absolute scale. Thus, for example, respondents might be presented with a… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Social bookmarking — is a method for Internet users to organize, store, manage and search for bookmarks of resources online. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren t shared, merely bookmarks that reference them. Descriptions may be added to these… …   Wikipedia

  • Social Media Optimization — (SMO) bezeichnet zum einen die Optimierung von Webseiten, damit diese leichter in Social Media Diensten (z.B. Weblogs, Social Networks, Social Bookmarks) aufgenommen werden. Zum Anderen wird der Begriff vor allem im Online Marketing synonym zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Social media optimization — (SMO) is a set of methods for generating publicity through social media, online communities and community websites. Methods of SMO include adding RSS feeds, adding a Digg This button, blogging and incorporating third party community… …   Wikipedia

  • Social welfare function — In economics a social welfare function can be defined as a real valued function that ranks conceivable social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) from lowest on up as to welfare of the society. Inputs of the function include …   Wikipedia

  • Social Protection — ▪ 2006 Introduction With medical costs skyrocketing and government programs scaled back, citizens bore more responsibility for their health care costs; irregular migration, human trafficking, and migrant smuggling posed challenges for… …   Universalium

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