- short loan
- краткосрочная ссуда ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
short — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sceort; akin to Old High German scurz short, Old Norse skortr lack Date: before 12th century 1. a. having little length b. not tall or high ; low 2. a. not extended in time … New Collegiate Dictionary
short-term loan — ➔ loan1 * * * short term loan UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► money that is lent for a short time, usually less than one year: »He secured financing for the project two short term loans for $80,000 and $30,000. → Compare LONG TERM LOAN(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms
short interest — The withholding tax system that applies to UK borrowers only requires income tax to be withheld from yearly or annual interest. Short interest can always be paid gross. Interest is annual or yearly interest, in general, if the debt on which it is … Law dictionary
loan — n 1 a: money lent at interest b: something lent usu. for the borrower s temporary use 2: a transfer or delivery of money from one party to another with the express or implied agreement that the sum will be repaid regardless of contingency and usu … Law dictionary
loan commitment — n. A promise made by a bank or other lending institution to a prospective purchaser of real estate that it will lend him or her a specified sum at a specified interest rate to purchase a particular property if it is done within a specified period … Law dictionary
loan — [lōn] n. [ME lone < ON lān (akin to OE læn, lending, loan, lænan, to lend) < IE base * leikw , to leave behind > L linquere, Gr leipen, Sans riṅákti, (he) leaves] 1. the act of lending, esp. to use for a short time [the loan of a pen] 2 … English World dictionary
loan shark — n. A person who lends money at extortionate interest rates, usually illegally. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. loan shark A person who lends … Law dictionary
loan agreement — UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE the conditions for a loan, to which the borrower must agree: »Under the new loan arrangement, short term borrowing has to be repaid within a 12 to 24 month period … Financial and business terms
short sale — A sale of a house in which the proceeds fall short of what the owner still owes on the mortgage. Short sales usually occur when the homeowner is facing foreclosure. Many lenders will agree to accept the proceeds of a short sale and forgive the… … Law dictionary
short term debt — loan for a short period of time, loan for a period which is not longer than one year … English contemporary dictionary
short term loan — loan for a short period of time, borrowing money from a bank for a period of time which is less than one year … English contemporary dictionary