- schedule items
- вопросы переписного листа ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
schedule of dilapidations — A list of items that are in need of repair and which are the responsibility of a tenant because of its repairing obligations under a lease. See also dilapidations. Most commercial leases allow the landlord to serve notice on the tenant, listing… … Law dictionary
schedule of items and their respective prices — index invoice (itemized list) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
schedule — /ˈʃɛdʒul / (say shejoohl), /ˈskɛdʒul / (say skejoohl) noun 1. a plan of procedure for a specified project with reference to sequence of operations, time allotted for each part, etc.: the proposed schedule allows four weeks for the completion of… …
schedule — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin scedula slip, page, charter, from Late Latin schedula slip of paper, diminutive of Latin *scheda strip of papyrus, probably back formation from Latin schedium impromptu speech, from Greek… … New Collegiate Dictionary
items — Synonyms and related words: active list, blacklist, census, checklist, civil list, composition, constituents, content, contents, divisions, elements, enumeration, guts, index, ingredients, innards, insides, inventory, itemization, list, part,… … Moby Thesaurus
schedule — Synonyms and related words: active list, agenda, allocate, allot, appoint, approach, appropriate to, arrange, arrangement, assign, assign to, attack, batting order, bill, bill of fare, blacklist, blueprint, blueprinting, book, budget, calculate,… … Moby Thesaurus
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule — The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) is a forced choice, objective, non projective personality inventory, derived from the theory of H. A. Murray, which measures the rating of individuals in fifteen normal needs or motives. On the EPPS … Wikipedia
Master production schedule — Contents 1 What is Master Production Schedule or MPS? 2 How an MPS works 3 Production plan 4 See also 5 … Wikipedia
Master Production Schedule — A Master Production Schedule (MPS) is a manufacturing plan that quantifies significant processes, parts, and other resources in order to optimize production, to identify bottlenecks, and to anticipate needs and completed goods. Since an MPS… … Wikipedia
2000–2001 United States network television schedule — This was the United States broadcast television schedule on all six commercial television networks for the Fall season beginning in September 2000. All times are Eastern and Pacific.New fall series are highlighted in bold. PBS, the Public… … Wikipedia
Transitory items — Accounts which contain: all prepaid expense accounts. accrued income accounts e.g.. interest income receivable. all deferred income accounts that have an impact on the profit and loss accounts of future accounting period(s). matching is … International financial encyclopaedia