- sale by commission
- комиссионная продажа ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
sale — W1S2 [seıl] n [Date: 1000 1100; : Old Norse; Origin: sala] 1.) [U and C] when you sell something sale of ▪ The use and sale of marijuana remains illegal. ▪ Harvey gets a $50 commission every time he makes a sale (=sells something as part of his… … Dictionary of contemporary English
commission — com·mis·sion n 1: a formal written authorization to perform various acts and duties a notary s commission 2 a: authority to act for, in behalf of, or in place of another b: a task or matter entrusted to one as the agent for another 3 a: a group… … Law dictionary
Sale of commissions — The sale of commissions was a common practice in most European armies where wealthy and noble officers purchased their rank. Only the Imperial Russian Army and the Prussian Army never used such a system. The British Army, which used this practice … Wikipedia
Sale, Greater Manchester — infobox UK place country = England static static image caption=Sale Town Hall latitude= 53.424 longitude= 2.322 official name= Sale population = 55,234 (2001 census) population density=12,727 per mi² (4,914 per km²) metropolitan borough= Trafford … Wikipedia
Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice — The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (abbreviated CPVPV; هيئه الأمر بالمعروف و النهي عن المنكر in Arabic and formerly called the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Elimination of Sin or CAVES) is the… … Wikipedia
Sale guerre — Guerre sale La « guerre sale » (en espagnol : Guerra sucia) est la répression d État qui a eu lieu dans les années 1960, 1970 et 1980 en Amérique latine, en particulier en Argentine, au Brésil, et dans l ensemble du Cône sud dans… … Wikipédia en Français
Commission pour l'éclaircissement historique — La Commission pour l éclaircissement historique (espagnol : Comisión para el Esclarecimiento Histórico, ou CEH) fut la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation organisé au Guatemala. La création de la CEH découlait d un accord, signé le… … Wikipédia en Français
commission merchant — A term which is synonymous with factor. It means one who receives goods, chattels, or merchandise for sale, exchange, or other disposition, and who is to receive a compensation for his services, to be paid by the owner, or derived from the sale,… … Black's law dictionary
commission merchant — A term which is synonymous with factor. It means one who receives goods, chattels, or merchandise for sale, exchange, or other disposition, and who is to receive a compensation for his services, to be paid by the owner, or derived from the sale,… … Black's law dictionary
sale — An agreement between a buyer and a seller on the price to be paid for a security, followed by delivery. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * sale sale [seɪl] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE the act of selling someone property, food, or… … Financial and business terms
sale — /seIl/ noun 1 ACT OF SELLING (C, U) the act of giving property, food, or other goods to someone in exchange for money (+ of): The use and sale of marijuana remains illegal. | The house sale was completed in two weeks. | make a sale (=sell… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English