- resale price
- цена перепродажи ; цена подержанного товара ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Resale price maintenance — (RPM) is the practice whereby a manufacturer and its distributors agree that the latter will sell the former s product at certain prices (resale price maintenance), at or above a price floor (minimum resale price maintenance) or at or below a… … Wikipedia
Resale Price Maintenance Agreement — Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) Agreement USA An agreement between a supplier and its distributors that limits the prices the distributors can charge customers for the supplier s products. Types of RPM agreements include a: • Minimum RPM agreement … Law dictionary
Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) Agreement — USA An agreement between a supplier and its distributors that limits the prices the distributors can charge customers for the supplier s products. Types of RPM agreements include a: • Minimum RPM agreement, in which a distributor agrees not to… … Law dictionary
resale price maintenance — The setting of a fixed minimum price on an article by the manufacturer (abbrev RPM) • • • Main Entry: ↑resale * * * resale price maintenance, Especially British. fair trade … Useful english dictionary
resale price maintenance — UK US noun [U] (also retail price maintenance, ABBREVIATION RPM) COMMERCE, FINANCE ► a system in which the price of goods is controlled by the manufacturer, so that sellers are not allowed to reduce the price for customers: »The Monopolies and… … Financial and business terms
resale price maintenance — n: a form of illegal price fixing in which a manufacturer compels different retailers to resell a product at the same price and thereby prevents competition Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
resale-price maintenance — ➔ maintenance … Financial and business terms
resale price maintenance — Measures taken by manufacturers or distributors to control the resale prices of their products (i.e., the prices charged by businesses that resell them). Such measures have been applied to a limited array of goods, including pharmaceuticals,… … Universalium
resale price maintenance — An agreement between a manufacturer and retailer that the latter should not resell below a specified minimum price. Such schemes operate to prevent price competition between the various dealers handling a given manufacturer s product with the… … Black's law dictionary
resale price — noun 1. : a price at which an article is resold by a business concern that buys it for resale 2. a. : a price suggested (as by a producer) as proper to be charged on resale of an article usually to the ultimate consumer b. : a stipulated price… … Useful english dictionary
resale price — See price control … Ballentine's law dictionary