- receivable
- счета (сумма, векселя) к получению (с наступившим сроком платежа) ; счета дебиторов ; дебиторы ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
receivable — re‧ceiv‧a‧ble [rɪˈsiːvəbl] adjective [only after a noun] ACCOUNTING 1. due to be received: • Pretax profit including net interest receivable was up 42%. 2. accounts receivable especially AmE money owed to a business by its … Financial and business terms
receivable — re·ceiv·able /ri sē və bəl/ adj 1: capable of being received 2: subject to call for payment notes receivable see also account receivable receivable n … Law dictionary
receivable — [ri sē′və bəl] adj. [ME resceyuable < Anglo Fr receivable, for OFr recevable: also < RECEIVE + ABLE] 1. that can be received 2. due; requiring payment [accounts receivable] 3. suitable for acceptance n. [pl.] accounts or bills rece … English World dictionary
Receivable — Re*ceiv a*ble (r[ e]*s[=e]v [.a]*b l), a. [Cf. F. recevable.] Capable of being received. {Re*ceiv a*ble*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] {Bills receivable}. See under 6th {Bill}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
receivable — (adj.) late 14c., from Anglo Fr. or O.Fr. recevable, from O.Fr. recoivre (see RECEIVE (Cf. receive)). Related: Receivables … Etymology dictionary
receivable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ able to be received. ► NOUN (receivables) ▪ amounts owed to a business, regarded as assets … English terms dictionary
receivable — receivability, receivableness, n. /ri see veuh beuhl/, adj. 1. fit for acceptance; acceptable. 2. awaiting receipt of payment: accounts receivable. 3. capable of being received. n. 4. receivables, business assets in the form of obligations due… … Universalium
receivable — adjective Date: 14th century 1. capable of being received 2. subject to call for payment < notes receivable > … New Collegiate Dictionary
receivable — 1. adjective capable of being received, especially of a debt, from the perspective of the creditor. 2. noun a) A debt owed, usually to a business, from the perspective of that business One mans receivable is another mans payable … Wiktionary
receivable — adj. Receivable is used with these nouns: ↑account … Collocations dictionary
receivable — re|ceiv|a|ble [rıˈsi:vəbəl] adj needing or waiting to be paid ▪ the company s accounts receivable (=sales that have been made but not yet paid for) … Dictionary of contemporary English