- agricultural produce
- сельскохозяйственная продукция (продукты) ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
agricultural produce — žemės ūkio produkcija statusas Aprobuotas sritis žemės ūkio ekonomika ir vadyba apibrėžtis Žemės ūkio produktai, taip pat perdirbamosios pramonės ir kitų įmonių bei individualią žemės ūkio veiklą vykdančių ūkio subjektų perdirbti žemės ūkio… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Agricultural Produce Market Committee — The Agricultural Produce Market Committee is a marketing board established by the state governments of India (e.g., Karnataka and Maharashtra).The state government of Karnataka,in order to facilitate farmers to sell their produce and get… … Wikipedia
agricultural produce — crops produced on farms, product of farming … English contemporary dictionary
agricultural economics — Introduction study of the allocation, distribution, and utilization of the resources used, along with the commodities produced, by farming. Agricultural economics plays a role in the economics of development, for a continuous level of farm… … Universalium
AGRICULTURAL LAND-MANAGEMENT METHODS AND IMPLEMENTS IN ANCIENT EREẒ ISRAEL — Ereẓ Israel is a small country with a topographically fragmented territory, each geographical region having a distinctive character of its own. These regions include: the coastal plain, the lowlands, the hilly country, the inland valleys, the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Agricultural productivity — Food production per capita (1961 2005) … Wikipedia
Agricultural cooperative — President of an agricultural cooperative in Guinea in an onion field An agricultural cooperative, also known as a farmers co op, is a cooperative where farmers pool their resources in certain areas of activity. A broad typology of agricultural… … Wikipedia
agricultural */*/ — UK [ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃ(ə)rəl] / US adjective a) relating to farming Farmers have criticized the government s agricultural policy. agricultural produce/products The land is only to be used for agricultural purposes. b) involved in farming or used for… … English dictionary
produce — noun / prɒdju:s/ products from farms and gardens, especially fruit and vegetables ● home produce ● agricultural produce ● farm produce ■ verb /prə dju:s/ 1. to bring something out and show it ● He produced documents to prove his claim. ● The… … Dictionary of banking and finance
agricultural — ag|ri|cul|tur|al [ ,ægrı kʌltʃ(ə)rəl ] adjective ** relating to farming: agricultural produce/products The land is only to be used for agricultural purposes. a. involved in farming or used for farming: agricultural workers/machinery … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
produce — 1 verb 1 NATURALLY (T) to grow something or make it naturally: Canada produces high quality wheat. | The pancreas produces insulin in the body. | More sun produces riper grapes. 2 RESULT (T) to make something happen or develop, or have a… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English