propensity to save

propensity to save
склонность к сбережению ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "propensity to save" в других словарях:

  • propensity to save — ▪ economics       in economics, the proportion of total income or of an increase in income that consumers save rather than spend on goods and services. The average propensity to save equals the ratio of total saving to total income; the marginal… …   Universalium

  • propensity to save — /prəˌpensɪti tə seɪv/ noun the tendency of consumers to save instead of spending on consumer goods …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Marginal propensity to save — The marginal propensity to save (MPS) refers to the increase in saving (non purchase of current goods and services) that results from an increase in income i.e. The marginal propensity to save might be defined as the proportion of each additional …   Wikipedia

  • Average Propensity To Save — The average propensity to save (APS) is an economic term that refers to the proportion of income that is saved rather than spent on goods and services. Also known as the savings ratio, it is usually expressed as a percentage of total household… …   Investment dictionary

  • Average propensity to save — The average propensity to save (APS), also known as the savings ratio, is an economics term that refers to the proportion of income which is saved, usually expressed for household savings as a percentage of total household disposable income. The… …   Wikipedia

  • marginal propensity to save — UK US noun [S] (ABBREVIATION MPS) ► ECONOMICS the degree to which people will change how much they save in relation to a change in income …   Financial and business terms

  • propensity — pro‧pen‧si‧ty [prəˈpensti] noun propensities PLURALFORM [countable] 1. a tendency to behave in a particular way: • The plastic bodied car s propensity to catch fire killed demand. 2. marginal propensity to consume ECONOMICS the relationship… …   Financial and business terms

  • propensity to consume — ▪ economics       in economics, the proportion of total income or of an increase in income that consumers tend to spend on goods and services rather than to save. The ratio of total consumption to total income is known as the average propensity… …   Universalium

  • marginal propensity to save — rate of resources from each unit of available additional income that are set aside for savings, mps (Economics) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Marginal propensity to consume — In economics, the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is an empirical metric that quantifies induced consumption, the concept that the increase in personal consumer spending (consumption) occurs with an increase in disposable income (income… …   Wikipedia

  • Average propensity to consume — (APC) is the percentage of income spent. To find the percentage of income spent, one needs to divide consumption by income, orAPC=frac{C}{Y}. In an economy in which each individual consumer saves lots of money, there is a tendency of people… …   Wikipedia

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