- processing method
- технологический режим ; технология ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Method of loci — The method of loci (plural of Latin locus for place or location), also called the memory palace, is a mnemonic device introduced in ancient Roman rhetorical treatises (in the anonymous Rhetorica ad Herennium, Cicero s De Oratore, and Quintilian s … Wikipedia
processing, batch — A method of computer operation in which a number of similar input items are accumulated and grouped for processing … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
vegetable processing — Introduction preparation of vegetables (vegetable) for use by humans as food. Vegetables consist of a large group of plants consumed as food. Perishable when fresh but able to be preserved by a number of processing methods, they are… … Universalium
Lucy-Hook coaddition method — The Lucy Hook coaddition method is an image processing technique for combining sub stepped astronomical image data onto a finer grid. The method allows the option of resolution and contrast enhancement or the choice of a conservative, re… … Wikipedia
Drizzle (image processing) — Drizzle (or DRIZZLE) is a digital image processing method for the linear reconstruction of undersampled images. It is normally used for the combination of astronomical images and was originally developed for the Hubble Deep Field observations… … Wikipedia
transaction processing — A processing method in which transactions are executed immediately when they are received by the system, rather than at some later time as in batch processing systems. Airline reservation databases and automatic teller machines are examples of … Dictionary of networking
top-down method — Corporate action processing method whereby the issuer s agent or the CSD automatically distributes proceeds to clients, without any action required on the part of such holders. In many, but not all, markets where this method is used, the proceeds … Financial and business terms
top-down method — Corporate action processing method whereby the issuer s agent or the CSD automatically distributes proceeds to clients, without any action required on the part of such holders. In many, but not all, markets where this method is used, the proceeds … Euroclear glossary
bottom-up method — Corporate action processing method through which the Euroclear group ( I)CSD Client typically generates relevant securities and/or cash transfers from its account to the system paying agent account, in accordance with the issuer s notification.… … Financial and business terms
bottom-up method — Corporate action processing method through which the Euroclear group (I)CSD Client typically generates relevant securities and/or cash transfers from its account to the system paying agent account, in accordance with the issuer s notification.… … Euroclear glossary
list processing — Method of processing data in list form. A list processing language is used primarily for research (such as in mathematical and arithmetic logic) rather than for production programming … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations