- poor harvest
- неурожай ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Harvest excursion — A harvest excursion was a common practice in Canada in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century where large numbers of workers from eastern Canada and the British Isles would travel to the Canadian prairies to participate in the fall… … Wikipedia
harvest — n. 1) to bring in, reap a harvest 2) an abundant, bountiful, rich; poor harvest * * * [ hɑːvɪst] bountiful poor harvest reap a harvest rich an abundant to bring in … Combinatory dictionary
Poor Palatines — The Poor Palatines were some 13,000 German refugees from the Upper Rhine who fled to England between May and November 1709. Their arrival in England, and the inability for the British Government to integrate them, caused a highly politicized… … Wikipedia
harvest — 1. noun 1) we all helped with the harvest Syn: harvesting, reaping, picking, collecting 2) a poor harvest Syn: yield, crop, vintage; fruits, produce 3) the experiment yielded a meager … Thesaurus of popular words
harvest — 1. noun a poor harvest Syn: crop, yield, vintage, produce 2. verb he harvested the wheat Syn: gather, bring in, reap, pick, collect … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
Harvest Records discography — Harvest Records was a subsidiary of EMI which was prominent between 1969 and 1984 in the UK. It is notable for its support of progressive rock and in particular for early releases by Pink Floyd and others. This is a list of their releases,… … Wikipedia
POOR, PROVISION FOR THE — The Bible makes frequent references to the obligation to help the poor, to render them material assistance, and to give them gifts. This obligation is mentioned in the Prophets (Isa. 58:7, 10; Ezek. 18:7, 16) and especially in the Wisdom… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
harvest — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ abundant (esp. AmE), bountiful, bumper, good, large, rich ▪ We ve had a bumper harvest of apples this year. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Harvest festival — A harvest festival is an annual celebration which occurs around the time of the main harvest of a given region. Given the differences in climate and crops around the world, harvest festivals can be found at various times throughout the world.… … Wikipedia
harvest — har|vest1 [ˈha:vıst US ˈha:r ] n [: Old English; Origin: hArfest] 1.) [U and C] the time when crops are gathered from the fields, or the act of gathering them at harvest/at harvest time ▪ every year at harvest time wheat/rice/grape etc harvest ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
harvest — [[t]hɑ͟ː(r)vɪst[/t]] harvests, harvesting, harvested 1) N SING: the N The harvest is the gathering of a crop. There was about 300 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest. 2) N COUNT A harvest is the crop that is gathered… … English dictionary