- planned costs
- плановые издержки ; плановые затраты ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Planned obsolescence — The Centennial Light in the Livermore, California Firehouse is often cited as evidence for the existence of planned obsolescence in later produced light bulbs.[1] Planned obsolescence or built in obsolescence[2] … Wikipedia
Planned Obsolescence — A manufacturing decision by a company to make consumer products in such a way that they become out of date or useless within a known time period. The main goal of this type of production is to ensure that consumers will have to buy the product… … Investment dictionary
Planned Maintenance System — The PMS Planned Maintenance System is a paper/software based system which allows ship owners and/or operators to carry out maintenance in intervals according to manufacturers and class/Classification society requirements. The maintenance,… … Wikipedia
Planned high-speed rail by country — This article provides of planned or proposed High speed rail projects, listed by country. High speed rail is public transport by rail at speeds in excess of 200 km/h (125 mph). [ [http://www.uic.asso.fr/gv/article.php3?id article=14 General… … Wikipedia
Planned Parenthood v. Casey — SCOTUSCase Litigants=Planned Parenthood v. Casey ArgueDate=April 22 ArgueYear=1992 DecideDate=June 29 DecideYear=1992 FullName=Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, et al. v. Robert P. Casey, et al. USVol=505 USPage=833 Citation=112 S … Wikipedia
standard costs — /ˌstændəd kɒsts/ plural noun planned costs for the period ahead … Marketing dictionary in english
MBT-70 — A model of the United States MBT 70 design Type Main battle tank Place … Wikipedia
Wolfgang Schuster — (born 5 September 1949 in Ulm) has been the Lord Mayor of Stuttgart, Germany, since January 1997. He is the successor to Manfred Rommel and a member of the CDU. Careertudies and early positionsSchuster studied law and political science in… … Wikipedia
Sitina Tunnel — NOTOC The Sitina Tunnel (alternatives Sitiny Tunnel or Františka Tunnel )cite news | last = | first =| coauthors = | title = Tunel Sitina uľahčí dopravu na Patrónke | work = | pages = | language = Slovak | publisher = Pravda | date = 7 June 2007… … Wikipedia
Nordostautobahn — The Nordostautobahn A6 or Northeastern motorway is a motorway in eastern Austria and it connects Slovakia to the Austrian motorway system.It begins at A4 junction near Bruckneudorf, going east, bypassing Potzneusiedl, crossing the Leitha river by … Wikipedia
Nordost Autobahn — Motorway A6 Autobahn A6 Nordost Autobahn … Wikipedia