- per head
- (в расчете) на душу населения ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
per head — index per capita Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
per head — /pə hed/ adverb for each person ● Allow £15 per head for expenses. ● Representatives cost on average £50,000 per head per annum … Dictionary of banking and finance
per head — for each person The same meal costs £4 per head more during the holiday season … English dictionary
per head — per person, for each person … English contemporary dictionary
per head — … Useful english dictionary
GDP per Head — Total gross domestic product divided by the population gives us a figure for output per person. GDP per head is an effective way of comparing the relative wealth of two countries. For example, the United States total GDP is 60 times larger… … Financial and business terms
Cop|per|head — «KOP uhr HEHD», noun. a poisonous snake of eastern North America; redeye. It has a copper colored head and is related to the water moccasin and the rattlesnake. Copperheads grow to be about three feet long. »Copperheads have pretty copper colored … Useful english dictionary
cop|per|head — «KOP uhr HEHD», noun. a poisonous snake of eastern North America; redeye. It has a copper colored head and is related to the water moccasin and the rattlesnake. Copperheads grow to be about three feet long. »Copperheads have pretty copper colored … Useful english dictionary
per capita — per cap·i·ta /pər ka pə tə/ adv or adj [Medieval Latin, by heads] 1: equally to each individual all property to pass to the descendants per capita used of a method of distributing an esp. intestate estate compare per stirpes ◇ Per capita… … Law dictionary
per — [ weak pə, strong pɜr ] preposition *** used for stating the rate or cost for each unit of time, quantity, distance, etc.: I m charging $20 per hour for the work. Calculate the cost per pound. Ellen can type 100 words per minute. (as) per… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
per — [pə, pɜː ǁ pər, pɜːr] preposition 1. for each: • an average beef cattle price of $74.20 per hundred pounds • The price tag is $1500 per square foot of retail space. • Earnings per share rose 12% to 31.3 pence. • The Japanese have in recent years… … Financial and business terms