pecuniary capital

pecuniary capital
денежный капитал ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "pecuniary capital" в других словарях:

  • capital — cap·i·tal 1 adj [Latin capitalis, from caput head, a person s life (as forfeit)] 1 a: punishable by death capital murder b: involving execution a capital case 2 [Medieval Latin capitalis chief, principal, from Latin …   Law dictionary

  • Capital punishment in Louisiana — Capital punishment is legal in the U.S. state of Louisiana. A total of 659 individuals have been executed in Louisiana including 27 since 1976. A total of 88 people are under a sentence of death in the state as of October 13, 2007. The current… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital punishment in Ohio — is legal. Since 1897, a total of 341 individuals have been executed in the U.S. state of Ohio. A total of 191 people are under a sentence of death in the state as of October 13, 2007. The current method of execution in Ohio is lethal… …   Wikipedia

  • pecuniary resources — index assets, capital, cash, possessions, property (possessions) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Capital punishment in Utah — The execution chamber in Utah State Prison. The platform to the left is used for lethal injection. The metal chair to the right is used for execution by firing squad. Capital punishment is legal in the U.S. state of Utah. Since 1850, a total of… …   Wikipedia

  • capital — Synonyms and related words: Grade A, abecedarian, ability, acmatic, advantageous, all absorbing, allographic, alphabetic, apical, arch, art center, ascender, assets, auspicious, available means, back, balance, banner, basic, bastard type, beard,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • John McMurtry — John McMurtry, PhD, FRSC, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, Canada.[1] Most recently, he has focused his research on the value structure of economic theory and its consequences for global civil and environmental… …   Wikipedia

  • MESOPOTAMIA — The original article in the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica traced Mesopotamian history to its earliest beginnings and provided a detailed survey of Mesopotamian literature and institutions. With the availability of such tools as J.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • money — moneyless, adj. /mun ee/, n., pl. moneys, monies, adj. n. 1. any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits. 2. See paper money. 3. gold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public …   Universalium

  • Mishpatim — (מִּשְׁפָּטִים Hebrew for “laws,” the second word of the parshah) is the eighteenth weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the sixth in the book of Exodus. It constitutes Exodus 21:1–24:18. Jews in the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Byzantine Empire —     The Byzantine Empire     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Byzantine Empire     The ancient Roman Empire having been divided into two parts, an Eastern and a Western, the Eastern remained subject to successors of Constantine, whose capital was at …   Catholic encyclopedia

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