- parity prices
- паритетные цены (в сельском хозяйстве) ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Parity Price — When the price of an asset is directly linked to another price. Examples of parity price are: 1. Convertibles the price at which a convertible security equals the value of the underlying stock. 2. Options when an option is trading at its… … Investment dictionary
parity — Equality in amount or value. Equivalence of prices of farm products in relation to those existing at some former date (base period) or to the general cost of living. Parity prices are important in establishing government price support programs… … Black's law dictionary
parity — I noun alikeness, analogy, approximation, balance, close correspondence, coequality, comparability, comparison, correlation, correspondence, equability, equality, equation, equilibrium, equipoise, equivalence, equivalency, identical value,… … Law dictionary
Parity — is a concept of equality of status or functional equivalence. It has several different specific definitions.* Parity (physics), the name of the symmetry of interactions under spatial inversion * Parity (mathematics) indicates whether a number is… … Wikipedia
parity index — parity index, U.S. the average prices paid by farmers for goods and services in a particular year, expressed in terms of the equivalent prices during the base period used. The parity index is used to establish the parity ratio … Useful english dictionary
parity ratio — parity ratio, U.S. the ratio between the index of prices received by farmers and the index of prices paid in a particular year, used in measuring the purchasing power of agricultural products in that year … Useful english dictionary
parity — parity1 /par i tee/, n. 1. equality, as in amount, status, or character. 2. equivalence; correspondence; similarity; analogy. 3. Finance. a. equivalence in value in the currency of another country. b. equivalence in value at a fixed ratio between … Universalium
parity — For convertibles, level at which a convertible security s market price equals the aggregate value of the underlying common stock; value/worth of the convertible bond considered only as an equity instrument ( conversion ratio times common price).… … Financial and business terms
Parity Commission for Prices and Wages — / Paritätische Kommission Together with Proportionality or Proporz, the Parity Commission was a major instrument of social stability in Austria after World War II. Established in March 1957, during a period of inflation, it consisted of two … Historical dictionary of Austria
parity — I. noun (plural ties) Etymology: Latin paritas, from par equal Date: 1608 1. the quality or state of being equal or equivalent 2. a. equivalence of a commodity price expressed in one currency to its price expressed in another b. equality of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
parity — Synonyms and related words: accordance, agreement, alikeness, alliance, analogy, aping, approach, approximation, asking price, assimilation, balance, bearish prices, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, closeness, closing price,… … Moby Thesaurus