- open competition
- открытая конкуренция ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
open competition — atvirosios varžybos statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Varžybos, kurių tikslas populiarinti sporto šakas, įtraukti į varžybas kuo daugiau sportininkų arba komandų. Atvirosiose varžybose gali dalyvauti visi asmenys, turintys… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition Awards — The Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition Awards are relatively large prizes given out each year to poets with unpublished manuscripts. In addition to the cash prizes, two winners get published by a university press. The Crab Orchard… … Wikipedia
competition — I noun attempt to equal, bout, challenge, combat, conflict, contentio, contest, corrivalry, encounter, engagement, open contest, opposition, outrivalry, pitting of strength, pitting of wits, race, rivalry, scramble, strife, striving for… … Law dictionary
open — o|pen1 [ oupən ] adjective *** ▸ 1 when public can visit ▸ 2 when you can see inside ▸ 3 not covered/enclosed ▸ 4 not blocked ▸ 5 not hidden/secret ▸ 6 anyone can see/join ▸ 7 considering suggestions ▸ 8 when something can be done ▸ 9 possible ▸… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
open — 1 adjective NOT CLOSED 1 DOOR/CONTAINER not closed, so that you can go through, take things out, or put things in: an open window | I guess I did leave the door open. | I can t get this milk open. | wide open (=completely open): The door was wide … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
open */*/*/ — I UK [ˈəʊpən] / US [ˈoʊpən] adjective 1) if a shop, restaurant etc is open, people are working there and the public can use or visit it Are the shops open on Sundays? There s a bar that stays open all night. open for business: We are open for… … English dictionary
Open European Mahjong Championship — The Open European Mahjong Championship (OEMC) is the oldest European competition of Mahjong organized by European Mahjong Association(EMA) under international rule. Both men and women are eligible to contest this title, and the championship holds … Wikipedia
competition — n. rivalry opposition 1) to offer, provide competition 2) to undercut, undersell the competition 3) bitter, fierce, formidable, keen, stiff, strong; cutthroat, unfair, unscrupulous; fair; free, unfettered; healthy competition 4) competition among … Combinatory dictionary
open — /ˈoʊpən / (say ohpuhn) adjective 1. not shut, as a door, gate, etc. 2. not closed, covered, or shut up, as a house, box, drawer, etc. 3. not enclosed as by barriers, as a space. 4. that may be entered, used, shared, competed for, etc., by all: an …
Competition In Contracting Act - CICA — A policy established in 1984 to encourage competition for government contracts. The idea behind the policy is that the increased competition will result in improved savings to the government through more competitive pricing. The Act applies to… … Investment dictionary
open — openly, adv. openness, n. /oh peuhn/, adj. 1. not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate: to leave the windows open at night. 2. (of a door, gate, window sash, or the like) set so as to… … Universalium