- net sale
- чистая сумма продаж ; нетто-реализация ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
net sale contract — One in which the principal agrees to accept a specified net price for property to be sold, and the agent s compensation for negotiating a sale is to be any amount received in excess of the specified figure. Loughlin v. Idora Realty Co., 259… … Black's law dictionary
net sale contract — One in which the principal agrees to accept a specified net price for property to be sold, and the agent s compensation for negotiating a sale is to be any amount received in excess of the specified figure. Loughlin v. Idora Realty Co., 259… … Black's law dictionary
net sale — gross sales (q.v.) less returns and allowances … Black's law dictionary
sale — A contract between two parties, called, respectively, the seller (or vendor) and the buyer (or purchaser), by which the former, in consideration of the payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money, transfers to the latter the title… … Black's law dictionary
net listing — A type of listing contract whereby the broker is only entitled to a commission to the extent that sales price exceeds the given amount. For example, a net listing of $15,000 where the property sold for $18,000 would result in a $3,000 commission … Black's law dictionary
net listing — A type of listing contract whereby the broker is only entitled to a commission to the extent that sales price exceeds the given amount. For example, a net listing of $15,000 where the property sold for $18,000 would result in a $3,000 commission … Black's law dictionary
SALÉ — La ville marocaine de Salé (Sl ) est située sur la côte atlantique, à l’embouchure de l’oued Bou Regreg, face à Rabat. Les origines de la ville sont mal connues et se situent sans doute au XIe siècle. Très active au XIIIe siècle, elle est alors… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sale el Sol — Album par Shakira Sortie 18 octobre 2010 (Voir l historique des sorties) E … Wikipédia en Français
net — net, ette, (nè, nè t . L habitude s est beaucoup introduite de faire sentir le t au masculin net, même au pluriel ; cependant plusieurs gardent la prononciation dans laquelle le t est muet) adj. 1° Clair, sans impureté (ce qui est le sens… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
sale — SALE. adj. de tout genre. Qui est mal propre, qui n est pas net, qui est plein d ordure. Il se dit des personnes & des choses. Il est tousjours crasseux & sale. avoir les mains sales. linge sale. chemise sale. une chambre sale. les ruës sont… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Net.art — has two definitions:net.art is a group of artists who worked in internet art from 1994. The members are usually referenced as Vuk Ćosić, Jodi.org, Alexei Shulgin, Olia Lialina, Heath Bunting. This group was united as a parody of avantgarde… … Wikipedia