minor cycles

minor cycles
короткие и слабые циклы ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "minor cycles" в других словарях:

  • Minor actinide — Transmutation flow between 238Pu and 244Cm in LWR.[1] Fission percentage is 100 minus shown percentages. Total rate of transmutation varies greatly by nuclide. 245Cm–248Cm are long lived with negligible decay. The minor actinides are the actinide… …   Wikipedia

  • Minor characters in Circle of Magic — This is a list of minor characters who appear in the Circle of Magic quartet by Tamora Pierce: Sandry s Book, Tris s Book, Daja s Book and Briar s Book . Other characters in the Emelan universe do not appear in these books, but appear in The… …   Wikipedia

  • Milankovitch cycles — Past and future Milankovitch cycles. VSOP allows prediction of past and future orbital parameters with great accuracy. ε is obliquity (axial tilt). e is eccentricity. ϖ is longitude of perihelion. esin(ϖ) is the precession index, which together… …   Wikipedia

  • Stratigraphic Cycles — refer to the transgressive and regressive sequences bounded by unconformities in the stratagraphic record on the cratons. These cycles represent a large scale eustasy cycle since the Cambrian period with further sub divisions of those units.… …   Wikipedia

  • List of minor characters in Biker Mice from Mars — The American animated cartoon series Biker Mice from Mars contains a host of memorable, but minor, characters, who may make only one or two appearances, or alternatively have the status of semi regular characters. The following list describes… …   Wikipedia

  • List of minor Circle of Magic characters — This is a list of minor characters who appear in the Circle of Magic quartet by Tamora Pierce: Sandry s Book, Tris s Book, Daja s Book and Briar s Book. Other characters in the Emelan universe do not appear in these books, but appear in The… …   Wikipedia

  • Native American literature — Introduction also called  Indian literature  or  American Indian literature        the traditional oral and written literatures of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. These include ancient hieroglyphic and pictographic writings of Middle… …   Universalium

  • Schubert's last sonatas — The three piano sonatas numbered 958 through 960 in Deutsch s catalogue of Franz Schubert s complete works, are the composer s last major compositions for the piano, often referred to in short simply as Schubert s last sonatas. They were written… …   Wikipedia

  • pre-Columbian civilizations — Introduction       the aboriginal American Indian (Mesoamerican Indian) cultures that evolved in Meso America (part of Mexico and Central America) and the Andean region (western South America) prior to Spanish exploration and conquest in the 16th …   Universalium

  • BIBLE — THE CANON, TEXT, AND EDITIONS canon general titles the canon the significance of the canon the process of canonization contents and titles of the books the tripartite canon …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the… …   Universalium

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