adaptation of technology

adaptation of technology
приспособление технологии (к местным нуждам) ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "adaptation of technology" в других словарях:

  • Adaptation to global warming — and climate change is a response to climate change that seeks to reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems to climate change effects.[1] Even if emissions are stabilized relatively soon, climate change and its effects will last many… …   Wikipedia

  • Adaptation Humaine À L'espace — L adaptation humaine à l espace est l ensemble des études et des techniques qui doivent permettre à l homme de combattre les conséquences négatives de l absence de pesanteur sur sa physiologie durant ses séjours dans l espace. Il s agit d un axe… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Adaptation humaine a l'espace — Adaptation humaine à l espace L adaptation humaine à l espace est l ensemble des études et des techniques qui doivent permettre à l homme de combattre les conséquences négatives de l absence de pesanteur sur sa physiologie durant ses séjours dans …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Technology Integration — is a term used by educators to describe effective uses of technology by teachers and students in K 12 and university classrooms. Teachers use technology to support instruction in language arts, social studies, science, math, or other content… …   Wikipedia

  • technology, history of — Introduction       the development over time of systematic techniques for making and doing things. The term technology, a combination of the Greek technē, “art, craft,” with logos, “word, speech,” meant in Greece a discourse on the arts, both… …   Universalium

  • Technology in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy — The fictional universe of The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams is a galaxy spanning society of interacting extraterrestrial cultures, so the technological level in the series is highly advanced, though often unreliable.… …   Wikipedia

  • Adaptation to global warming in Australia — Introduction= According to non governmental organizations such as Greenpeace and global scientific organisations such as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the frequency and intensity of disasters brought about by… …   Wikipedia

  • Technology of the Dune universe — The technology of the Dune universe is a key aspect of the fictional setting of the Dune series of science fiction novels written by Frank Herbert, and derivative works. Herbert s concepts and inventions have been analyzed and deconstructed in at …   Wikipedia

  • TECHNOLOGY AND HALAKHAH — Halakhah deals with the prescription of the behavior of the individual, the family, the community, and a Jewish state. It encompasses all the actions in one s life. It sets forth both the principles and the guidelines along which day to day… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Adaptation humaine à l'espace — L adaptation humaine à l espace est l ensemble des études et des techniques qui doivent permettre à l homme de combattre les conséquences négatives de l absence de pesanteur sur sa physiologie durant ses séjours dans l espace. Il s agit d un axe… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Technology of Robotech — Several fictional technologies are utilized in the Robotech adaptation of three Japanese animated series. Reflex Cannon In the science fiction anime television series Robotech , the Reflex Cannon is a super powerful energy weapon, used as a heavy …   Wikipedia

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