actual capital

actual capital
действительный капитал ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "actual capital" в других словарях:

  • Capital punishment — Death penalty and Death sentence redirect here. For other uses, see Death penalty (disambiguation) and Death sentence (disambiguation). Execution and Execute redirect here. For other uses, see Execution (disambiguation) and Execute… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital (política) — Aspecto de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, capital de la Argentina Una capital nacional o, simplemente, capital (del latín caput, capitis, cabeza ) es la ciudad o localidad donde residen el gobierno central, los ministerios y todos los organismos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Capital city — A capital city (or just capital) is the area of a country, province, region, or state considered to enjoy primary status; although there are exceptions, a capital is typically a city that physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital (political) — A capital is the area of a country, province, region, or state, regarded as enjoying primary status; it is almost always the city which physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of the seat of government and fixed by law, but there… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital, Volume I — is the first of three volumes in Karl Marx s monumental work, Das Kapital, and the only volume to be published during his lifetime. Originally published in 1867, Marx s aim in Capital, Volume I is to uncover and explain the laws specific to the… …   Wikipedia

  • CAPITAL PUNISHMENT — CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, the standard penalty for crime in all ancient civilizations. In the Bible Many of the crimes for which any biblical punishment is prescribed carry the death penalty. The three methods of executing criminals found in the Bible… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Capital budgeting — (or investment appraisal) is the planning process used to determine whether a firm s long term investments such as new machinery, replacement machinery, new plants, new products, and research and development projects are worth pursuing.Many… …   Wikipedia

  • capital — cap·i·tal 1 adj [Latin capitalis, from caput head, a person s life (as forfeit)] 1 a: punishable by death capital murder b: involving execution a capital case 2 [Medieval Latin capitalis chief, principal, from Latin …   Law dictionary

  • Capital adequacy ratio — (CAR), also called Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio (CRAR), is a ratio of a bank s capital to its risk. National regulators track a bank s CAR to ensure that it can absorb a reasonable amount of loss [Cite web |… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital de Costa Rica — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Costa Rica ha tenido cuatro capitales efectivas y además otra legal: 1) La ciudad de Cartago, fundada en 1564, fue capital de la provincia de Costa Rica durante toda la dominación española, hasta que en 1822 se… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Capital Punishment (Death Penalty) —     Capital Punishment     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Capital Punishment     The infliction by due legal process of the penalty of death as a punishment for crime.     The Latins use the word capitalis (from caput, head) to describe that which… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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