Lorenz curve

Lorenz curve
кривая Лоренца (кривая распределения доходов) ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "Lorenz curve" в других словарях:

  • Lorenz curve — The Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the cumulative distribution function of a probability distribution; it is a graph showing the proportion of the distribution assumed by the bottom y % of the values. It is often used to represent… …   Wikipedia

  • Lorenz Curve — A graphical representation of wealth distribution developed by American economist Max Lorenz in 1905. On the graph, a straight diagonal line represents perfect equality of wealth distribution; the Lorenz curve lies beneath it, showing the reality …   Investment dictionary

  • Lorenz curve — A graph which is used in the study of social stratification in order to show the extent to which the actual distribution of a particular good (usually income, earnings, or wealth) deviates from a condition of perfect equality. In the hypothetical …   Dictionary of sociology

  • lorenz curve — ˈlōrˌen(t)s noun Usage: usually capitalized L Etymology: probably after Charlotte Lorenz b1895 German statistician : a curve formed by plotting the cumulative distribution of the amount of a variable against the cumulative frequency distribution… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lorenz curve —   a line graph that portrays the (un)evenness of a geographical distribution. The vertical axis is cumulative percentage of the variable being examined. The horizontal axis is the rank order of the values. A perfectly even distribution will give… …   Geography glossary

  • Lorenz — may refer to:Law Firm* Lorenz International Lawyers, an international law firm with offices in Brussels, Bishkek and GenevaMusic* Christian Flake Lorenz, a German musician * Lorenz Hart, the lyricist half of the famed Broadway songwriting team… …   Wikipedia

  • Lorenz-Kurve — Anwendung der Lorenz Kurve zur Veranschaulichung der Einkommensverteilung: Beispielsweise verfügen die ärmsten 50 % der Haushalte über zirka 25 % des gesamten Einkommens; die ärmsten 80 % verfügen hier dementsprechend über etwa… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Max O. Lorenz — Max Otto Lorenz (September 19, 1876 in Burlington, Iowa – July 1, 1959 in Sunnyvale, California) was an American economist who developed the Lorenz curve in 1905 to describe income inequalities. He published this paper while a doctoral… …   Wikipedia

  • Area-under-the-ROC-curve — Schätzgütemaße für ordinale Insolvenzprognosen messen die Qualität ordinaler Insolvenzprognosen. Ordinale Insolvenzprognosen sind Prognosen über die relativen Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten der bewerteten Unternehmen wie „Unternehmen Y fällt mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Area under the ROC curve — Schätzgütemaße für ordinale Insolvenzprognosen messen die Qualität ordinaler Insolvenzprognosen. Ordinale Insolvenzprognosen sind Prognosen über die relativen Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten der bewerteten Unternehmen wie „Unternehmen Y fällt mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Max Lorenz — may refer to: Max Lorenz (tenor) Max Lorenz (footballer) Max O. Lorenz, American economist, responsible for the Lorenz curve See also Max Lorentz, Swedish musician This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same …   Wikipedia

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