license holder

license holder
держатель (владелец) лицензии ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "license holder" в других словарях:

  • holder — hold·er n 1: a person that holds: as a: owner the holder of a patent often used in combination a stock holder b: one that holds or occupies the property of another by agree …   Law dictionary

  • License-free software — is computer software that is copyrighted but is not accompanied by a software license. Such software is rare. Examples The best known examples of license free software were various programs written by Daniel J. Bernstein, notably qmail, djbdns,… …   Wikipedia

  • license — li·cense 1 / līs əns/ n [Anglo French, literally, permission, from Old French, from Latin licentia, from licent licens, present participle of licēre to be permitted, be for sale] 1 a: a right or permission granted by a competent authority (as of… …   Law dictionary

  • license — licensable, adj. licenseless, adj. licenser; esp. Law, licensor, n. /luy seuhns/, n., v., licensed, licensing. n. 1. formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something, as to carry on some business or profession …   Universalium

  • Administrative License Revocation — License suspension or revocation traditionally follows conviction for alcohol impaired or drunk driving. However, under administrative license suspension (ALS) laws, sometimes called administrative license revocation, licenses are confiscated and …   Wikipedia

  • holder — hold|er [ houldər ] noun count ** 1. ) someone who owns something or who has been given something: ticket/license/permit holder: Ticket holders should use Gates 7 and 8. record/title holder: the former world 400m record holder holder of: the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • holder — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ licence/license, passport, ticket, visa ▪ Only ticket holders will be allowed in. ▪ account, credit card, policy …   Collocations dictionary

  • license — I. noun or licence Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French licence, from Latin licentia, from licent , licens, present participle of licēre to be permitted Date: 14th century 1. a. permission to act b. freedom of action 2. a. a permission… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Driver's license in the United States — In the United States, nearly all driver s licenses are issued by individual states (including Washington, D.C. and territories), rather than the federal government. Drivers are normally required to obtain a license from their state of residence,… …   Wikipedia

  • Personal seat license — A personal seat license, or PSL, gives the holder the right to buy season tickets for a certain seat in a stadium. This holder can sell the seat license to someone else if they no longer wish to purchase season tickets.[1] However, if the seat… …   Wikipedia

  • Personal Seat License — A personal seat license, or PSL, gives the holder the right to buy season tickets for a certain seat in a stadium. This holder can sell the seat license to someone else if they no longer wish to purchase season tickets. However, if the seat… …   Wikipedia

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