- license agreement
- лицензионное соглашение ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
license agreement — A contract by which a domestic company (the licensor) allows a foreign company (the licensee) to market its products in a foreign country in return for royalties , fees, or other forms of compensation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
license agreement — legal contract which outlines the terms under which a user may make use of a product … English contemporary dictionary
Software license agreement — EULA redirects here. For the community, see Eula, Texas. A software license agreement is a contract between the licensor and purchaser of the right to use software. The license may define ways under which the copy can be used, in addition to the… … Wikipedia
Driver License Agreement — In the USA, the Driver License Agreement (DLA) is a new interstate compact written by the Joint Executive Board of the Driver License Compact (DLC) and the Non Resident Violator Compact (NRVC) with staff support provided by the American… … Wikipedia
Contributor License Agreement — A Contributor License Agreement (CLA) defines the terms under which intellectual property has been contributed to a company/project, typically software under an open source license. Contents 1 Rationale 2 Users 2.1 Canonical 2.2 … Wikipedia
End User License Agreement — Ein Endbenutzer Lizenzvertrag, auch Endbenutzer Lizenzvereinbarung, abgekürzt EULA (von engl. End User License Agreement), ist eine spezielle Lizenzvereinbarung, welche die Benutzung von Software regeln soll. Texte mit einer EULA werden oftmals… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement — The Hacktivismo Enhanced Source Software License Agreement (HESSLA) is a software license proposed by Hacktivismo that attempts to put ethical restrictions on use and modification of software released under it.The license was written by Oxblood… … Wikipedia
end-user license agreement — EULA (end user license agreement) agreement between a software application publisher and the end user authorizing the user to use the software if he will agree to the conditions indicated in the license … English contemporary dictionary
end user license agreement — n. A contract presented by a software producer to the product’s end user, i.e., the person who has acquired the software in order to use it, stating the terms and conditions associated with using the software. See also browse wrap agreement,… … Law dictionary
Services Provider License Agreement — (SPLA) лицензионное соглашение, позволяет поставщикам услуг и независимым разработчикам программного обеспечения лицензировать продукты Microsoft и предоставлять их своим клиентам в качестве услуг. При предоставлении программного… … Википедия
Lemur License Agreement — Lemur is a toolkit designed to facilitate research in language modeling and information retrieval, where information retrieval is broadly interpreted to include such technologies as ad hoc and distributed retrieval, with structured queries, cross … Wikipedia