law of the sea

law of the sea
морское право ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "law of the sea" в других словарях:

  • Law of the Sea — often cap L&S: a body of international law promulgated by United Nations convention and covering a range of ocean matters including territorial zones, access to and transit on the sea, environmental preservation, and the resolution of… …   Law dictionary

  • law of the sea — law of the sea, 1. accepted customs of conduct for behavior of seamen or actions of ships masters and owners. 2. maritime law, especially international maritime law: »The International Convention on the Law of the Sea (New York Times). 3. what is …   Useful english dictionary

  • Law of the sea — may refer to: * United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea * Admiralty law * The Custom of the Sea …   Wikipedia

  • law of the sea — noun International Law the body of rules concerning the sovereign rights of states over exploitation of the sea and its natural resources …  

  • Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea — The Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea Established 1984 Location Utrecht, Netherlands Website …   Wikipedia

  • International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea — The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) is an intergovernmental organization created by the mandate of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. It was established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of… …   Wikipedia

  • United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea — For maritime law in general, see Admiralty law. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Logo of the Convention Signed December 10, 1982 Location Montego Bay, Jamaica Effective November 16, 1994[1] …   Wikipedia

  • International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea — Logo des ISGH Sicht von der Elbe links die Schrödersche Villa Der Internationale Seegerichtshof (engl. International Tribunal …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea — Convention des Nations unies sur le droit de la mer La Convention des Nations unies sur le droit de la mer (CNUDM) ou UNCLOS pour United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea) a été créée par l assemblée des Nations unies, en vertu de la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Law of the land — Law Law (l[add]), n. [OE. lawe, laghe, AS. lagu, from the root of E. lie: akin to OS. lag, Icel. l[ o]g, Sw. lag, Dan. lov; cf. L. lex, E. legal. A law is that which is laid, set, or fixed; like statute, fr. L. statuere to make to stand. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sea, Law of the — International law codified in a treaty signed in 1982 covering the status and use of territorial waters, sea lanes, and ocean resources. Originally signed by 117 countries, the treaty had some 140 state parties by the early 21st century. The… …   Universalium

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