- landed aristocracy
- земельная аристократия ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Landed Aristocracy — See Junkers … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
Landed property — or landed estates is a real estate term that usually refers to a property that generates income for the owner without the owner having to do the actual work of the estate. In Europe, agrarian landed property typically consisted of a manor,… … Wikipedia
landed — land|ed [ lændəd ] adjective used for describing people who own a lot of land, especially when their family has owned it for a long time: a member of the landed gentry He married into an old landed family. the landed classes/aristocracy: He… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
landed — UK [ˈlændɪd] / US [ˈlændəd] adjective a) used for describing people who own a lot of land, especially when their family has owned it for a long time a member of the landed gentry He married into an old landed family. the landed… … English dictionary
Aristocracy — A landed aristocracy existed throughout Byzantine history. However, the basis of landholding changed from the more familiar pattern of Late Roman times, with its large estates and numerous coloni (q.v.), peasants bound to the soil, to the… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
aristocracy — ar|is|toc|ra|cy [ˌærıˈstɔkrəsi US ˈsta: ] n plural aristocracies [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: aristocratie, from Late Latin, from Greek aristokratia, from aristos best + kratia cracy ] [C usually singular] the people in the highest social… … Dictionary of contemporary English
landed — [[t]læ̱ndɪd[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Landed means owning or including a large amount of land, especially land that has belonged to the same family for several generations. Most of them were the nobility and the landed gentry. ...the erosion of the… … English dictionary
aristocracy — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ British, French, etc. ▪ landed, landowning ▪ local PHRASES ▪ … Collocations dictionary
landed — adj. Landed is used with these nouns: ↑aristocracy, ↑class, ↑elite, ↑estate, ↑proprietor … Collocations dictionary
landed gentry — noun the gentry who own land (considered as a class) • Syn: ↑squirearchy • Hypernyms: ↑gentry, ↑aristocracy … Useful english dictionary
Burke's Landed Gentry — Burke’s Landed Gentry [Burkes Landed Gentry] a book published regularly in Britain that gives details of many families with high social positions who own land in Britain but do not belong to the ↑aristocracy. Compare ↑Burke s Peerage … Useful english dictionary