- labour saving
- дающий экономию в труде ; рационализаторский ; трудосберегающий ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
labour-saving — ˈlabour ˌsaving , labor saving adjective [only before a noun] a labour saving tool or piece of equipment makes a job easier or quicker to do: • labour saving devices such as dishwashers and washing machines • A rise in wage levels, he argued,… … Financial and business terms
labour-saving — labour .saving BrE labor saving AmE adj [only before noun] making it easier for you to do a particular job labour saving device/gadget/equipment etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
labour-saving — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ designed to reduce or eliminate work … English terms dictionary
labour-saving — laˈbour savˈing adjective Intended to supersede or lessen labour • • • Main Entry: ↑labour * * * labour saving UK US adjective labour saving equipment such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners do jobs in a quick and effective way so that you… … Useful english dictionary
labour-saving — /ˈleɪbə seɪvɪŋ/ (say laybuh sayving) adjective saving, or effecting economy in, labour: labour saving device. Also, labor saving …
labour-saving — ADJ: usu ADJ n A labour saving device or idea makes it possible for you to do something with less effort than usual. ...labour saving devices such as washing machines … English dictionary
labour-saving — adj. Labour saving/labor saving is used with these nouns: ↑device … Collocations dictionary
labour-saving — BrE labor saving AmE adjective (only before noun) labour saving device/gadget/equipment etc something that makes it easier for you to do a particular job … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
labour-saving — UK / US adjective labour saving equipment such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners do jobs in a quick and effective way so that you do not have to spend a lot of time doing them yourself … English dictionary
labour-saving — adjective (of an appliance) designed to reduce or eliminate work … English new terms dictionary
-saving — suffix ► used to describe something that allows you to use less of a particular thing: »The card comes complete with two money saving offers. »energy saving features/materials/technologies »a time saving device → See also FACE SAVING(Cf. ↑face… … Financial and business terms