irredeemable paper

irredeemable paper
неразменные бумажные деньги ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "irredeemable paper" в других словарях:

  • irredeemable — [ir΄i dēm′ə bəl] adj. [see IN 2 & REDEEMABLE] 1. that cannot be bought back ☆ 2. that cannot be converted into coin, as certain kinds of paper money 3. that cannot be changed; hopeless 4. that cannot be reformed irredeemably …   English World dictionary

  • irredeemable — ir•re•deem•a•ble [[t]ˌɪr ɪˈdi mə bəl[/t]] adj. 1) not redeemable; incapable of being bought back or paid off 2) irremediable; irreparable; hopeless 3) being beyond redemption: an irredeemable villain[/ex] 4) bus (of paper money) not convertible… …   From formal English to slang

  • irredeemable — irredeemability, irredeemableness, n. irredeemably, adv. /ir i dee meuh beuhl/, adj. 1. not redeemable; incapable of being bought back or paid off. 2. irremediable; irreparable; hopeless. 3. beyond redemption; irreclaimable. 4. (of paper money)… …   Universalium

  • irredeemable — /ɪrəˈdiməbəl / (say iruh deemuhbuhl) adjective 1. not redeemable; incapable of being bought back or paid off. 2. not convertible into specie, as paper money. 3. beyond redemption; irreclaimable. 4. irremediable, irreparable, or hopeless.… …  

  • irredeemable — adj. 1 that cannot be redeemed. 2 hopeless, absolute. 3 a (of a government annuity) not terminable by repayment. b (of paper currency) for which the issuing authority does not undertake ever to pay coin. Derivatives: irredeemability n.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ДЕНЬГИ БУМАЖНЫЕ НЕРАЗМЕННЫЕ — IRREDEEMABLE PAPER MONEY, FIAT MONEYТермин имеет следующие значения1. IRREDEEMABLE PAPER MONEY. Банкноты, выпущенные правительством в качестве законного платежного средства, не разменные, однако, на монеты, отчеканенные из золота или серебра… …   Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов

  • ir´re|deem´a|bly — ir|re|deem|a|ble «IHR ih DEE muh buhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. that cannot be redeemed or bought back: »an irredeemable annuity. 2. that cannot be exchanged for coin: »irredeemable paper money. 3. Figurative. impossible to change; beyond… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ir|re|deem|a|ble — «IHR ih DEE muh buhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. that cannot be redeemed or bought back: »an irredeemable annuity. 2. that cannot be exchanged for coin: »irredeemable paper money. 3. Figurative. impossible to change; beyond remedy; hopeless:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Economy of the Confederate States of America — The Confederate States of America had an agrarian based economy that relied heavily on slave worked plantations for the production of cotton for export to Europe and the northern US states. If ranked as an independent nation, it would have been… …   Wikipedia

  • Rutherford B. Hayes: Inaugural Address — ▪ Primary Source       Monday, March 5, 1877       We have assembled to repeat the public ceremonial, begun by Washington, observed by all my predecessors, and now a time honored custom, which marks the commencement of a new term of the… …   Universalium

  • Fiat — Fi at, n. [L., let it be done, 3d pers. sing., subj. pres., fr. fieri, used as pass. of facere to make. Cf. {Be}.] 1. An authoritative command or order to do something; an effectual decree. [1913 Webster] His fiat laid the corner stone. Willis.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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