investment recession

investment recession
экономический спад, вызванный сокращением капиталовложений ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "investment recession" в других словарях:

  • Recession — This article is about a slowdown in economic activity. For other uses, see Recession (disambiguation). Economics …   Wikipedia

  • recession — 01. Business analysts fear that the sudden rise in oil prices may spark a [recession] if prices are not brought under control. 02. The children played soccer with the teachers at [recess] today. 03. The court will [recess] for one hour. 04.… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Recession Proof — A term used to describe an asset, company, industry or other entity that is believed to be economically resistant to the outcomes of a recession. Oftentimes, recession proof stocks are added to many investment portfolios during times of economic… …   Investment dictionary

  • Recession — A significant decline in activity across the economy, lasting longer than a few months. It is visible in industrial production, employment, real income and wholesale retail trade. The technical indicator of a recession is two consecutive quarters …   Investment dictionary

  • recession — A slowdown or fall in the rate of economic growth. A recession is defined by the US National Bureau of Economic Research as a decline in gross domestic product in two successive quarters. A severe recession is called a depression Recession is… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Recession of 1958 — The Recession of 1958 was a sharp worldwide economic downturn in 1958. It hit economically disadvantaged countries hardest, because it involved a decline in the purchases of raw materials, both agricultural and mineral, by developed nations. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Late-2000s recession — This article is about economic recession during the early twenty first century. For background financial market events dating from 2007, see Late 2000s financial crisis. Late 2000s recession around the world Africa Americas South America United… …   Wikipedia

  • National fiscal policy response to the late 2000s recession — Many nations of the world have enacted fiscal stimulus plans in response to the global, ongoing recession. These nations have used different combinations of government spending and tax cuts to boost their sagging economies. Most of these plans… …   Wikipedia

  • Gold as an investment — Reserves of SDR, forex and gold in 2006 …   Wikipedia

  • Early 1980s recession — The early 1980s recession was a severe recession in the United States which began in July 1981 and ended in November 1982.Krugman, Did the Federal Reserve Cause the Recession? , New York Times, April 1, 1991; National Bureau of Economic Research …   Wikipedia

  • City of London Investment Trust — (LSE: CTY) is a large British investment trust dedicated to investments in UK equities. Established in 1891, the company is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The Chairman is Philip Remnant, and the manager Job Curtis. It has raised its… …   Wikipedia

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